Monday, April 28, 2008

My son Hunter....

So Hunter and his friends are really into making little clips and movies for YouTube.
Is this just a Ashburn thing or do any of your kids this age do it too? A lot of the kids out here do it.
So he and his friend Ryan  made this one at Ryan's house today. Just thought I would share.....


ej said...

Oh my gosh, Hunter is awesome! I can't believe the shots he was sinking! And I got a chuckle out of 'sometimes losers win'...

Hannah said...

Wow! I'm impressed!

amanda said...

Wow he has talent! You and Conwey should be proud. We miss you guys. I'll have to show this to my kids they will LOVE it.

sincerely margie mei said...

That was so funny!! I loved it. He is a great shot.

Rachael said...

So I just watched this video with an 8 year old, a 7 year old, and two 5 year olds...we all think that was LEGIT!

Nichole Barney said...

My kids are constantly making videos with neighbor kids and they want to put them on YouTube. It must be the thing to do. At least they are being somewhat creative. That shot hunter made was awesome!

Paula said...

Amazing shots! Wow, get him an agent!