I have been so ready for spring. Well today it finally came!
75 glorious degrees today. I even got a little sunburn. :)
Remi called and invited us over for lunch and fun in the sun. So we got out the jog stroller and headed over of course singing popcorn popping all the way there. Sienna had a blast playing with Sophie, Brooke, and Craig. Sophie sure had her laughing on the swing! I feel a little bad for Sienna because we got rid of all the back yard toys and play set when we moved and she LOVES to swing and go down the slide. She kept going down the slide today saying wee..this is fun! I might have to break down and get her something for the backyard.

Then the boys got home and were so excited to do a Lemonade Stand. They had been talking about it since they got on the bus....gotta give them credit they sit out there for a long time yelling to every car that goes by....how can they pass by these faces?

I LOVE that they set up a lemonade stand. And, I love that people do stop their cars and get some lemonade. Childhood is so important! When I was little, I actually tried to sell leaves in the fall. I don't think that went really well... ;)
I love lemonade stands; if I was in VA, I'd go out of my way to buy their lemonade!!!
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