Baseball is here. It is now all I will be doing until June. If any of you are ever wondering where I am.....well I am either taking someone to baseball, or bringing someone home from baseball, sitting at multiple baseball games. Some times I might sit through 9 hours of baseball from the first baseball game on a Saturday to the last.
I really enjoy football season, and basketball season, and swim season, but baseball I am sorry to say bores me. The games are sooooo long, not very exciting, and I am usually chasing Sienna around trying to keep her from jumping in the mud.
So Saturday was the Opening Ceremonies and they have a big parade, throw out the first pitch and have all kinds of fun games and food.
The kids had a lot of fun walking with their teams in the parade.

Sienna wanted to get out and march in the parade too...Conwey was not able to stay because he had to go help coach Hunter's team. (Hunter is now in the older league so he didn't march in the parade)

Sienna was being a bit difficult so we were feeding her full of pretty much anything to keep her quite and entertained...

The kids all had a blast on all the rides though. Cooper and his friend Dylan were such good sports and took Sienna in the moon bounce and up the slide.....we had a hard time getting her off the rides. This is Sienna coming down that big slide! She has no fear.

Cooper and Dylan

That is hilarious! I love all the pics of her with different treats! That is so cute! The last kid sure does get spoiled. When my older kids point that out in a few years, I will remind them that he (as in Calvin because I keep a supply of lollies in the car just in case) HAD to be in order to support THEM in their activities.
So we won't be hearing from you much now, eh? As it gets warmer, we will all probably be on a little less I guess....
I loved all the pics of Sienna and the food. I always have stashes of junk for Andrew at any of Alexandra's practices just to keep him quiet. I know it is pathetic, but it seems to be the only thing that works sometimes.
Sienna makes me want to have another girl. They are so much fun. Hair and clothes and dancing. Cute.
The good thing is that baseball seems to equal summer and I am so ready for that! We are signing up Tani for his first Tball season. And it all begins... You are a good mom Jess!
Okay, so I love the pic of Sienna gettin down, and the ponytail pic too. If by some miracle my children are good at sports I hope I can commit to the cause as well as you have!
You are definitely a busy mom! It's nice to hear that other parents will give their kids sugar to help them get through a long day :) I love the pictures of her eating and then funny. And, the ponytail is very cute! You're amazing with everything you do for your children. What a supermom!
Okay you guys I am FAR from a me!
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