Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sienna Singing

Today Sienna was down in the guest room singing and dancing away (like she always does) and I just happened to catch her and got a little on camera. She LOVES the song No One by Alicia Keys....she sings it ALL the time. (sorry it's sideways though)
Here is a little glimpse of life with Sienna. She makes us laugh.


Anonymous said...

She is too cute!! I am so happy for you that you got your girl! I can't believe she is singing, Ginny still isn't even talking!

Jayne said...

Too cute! It was fun seeing you guys last week.

Paula said...

She is adorable! Love the feeling in her face as she sings.

ej said...

lol, that is the cutest video I have seen in a long time- she is so into it! So cute. She was such a sweetheart in nursery. She was pretty quiet and then would blow me away with a full sentence about something...what a doll.

sincerely margie mei said...

She is so darn cute!!! I miss my girls being that age.

Elizabeth said...

Jess, she is so cute and so funny. Don't you love how they just go into their own little world when they are singing? What a love.

Hannah said...

Love it! Isn't is great to have kids who make you laugh? I've always heard that a child who sings is a happy child, so good work!

Love Notes said...

That has to be the cutest thing ever! She is such a doll. Love it!