So I just finished watching Lost. We went to go to Conweys little sister Merry's play she was putting on tonight (which was very entertaining... Merry is always the star of the show. She has down syndrome and is a awesome little actress!) So I tivod it, but did anyone else get a bit teary at the end of Lost tonight? So Jin didn't make it. Anyone have any thoughts on what might have happened?
Okay how shocked were you that Michael was on the boat! Is he Ben's spy? And the owner of the boat that is Penny's dad right? What was with the girl jumping overboard? And her book upside down?
Forget Michael ... what the heck is up with the Jin look-a-like bringing a panda to a Sun look-a-like who had a baby boy? What's THAT all about?
I'm so 'Lost.'
I think that was Jin right after they got married when he was working for her dad...at least that is what I thought it was....I thought it was a flashback...it did confuse me though.....
I thought that Jin is still alive but has no memory of before? Maybe not an acknowledged survivor? and Sun must believe he's dead? weird. I totally called Micheal being on the boat thank you very much :) and I think he is Ben's spy. The girl over the boat? I dunno, seasickness sucks??? no- the Captain said that stuff was happening to the crew cuz they were too close to the island-right? It is an aptly named show because after every episode that is how I feel, really LOST!
That is interesting Erin I hadn't even thought about that....
I was completely shocked by Michael....I guess I haven't been reading up on stuff because everyone else seemed to know it was coming.
Where's Walt?
I have to pipe in because I just watched my tivo version last night. The hallucinogens the writers must be taking! Are they going to randomly spotlight EVERY character to buy time to create a story line???? Ok, done. I will miss Jin. He's so cute.
Okay, don't freak out. I have never seen this show. We will have to rent all the seasons on dvd. Except the last time we did that it was a dissaster. We couldn't stop watching "24", we would all race home and watch it all night till late. We watched it non-stop season after season. It was a bit insane.
I definitely think the panda thing with Jin was a flashback and I don't think they would have a gravestone for him unless everyone thinks that he is dead. You never know though, stranger things have happened - I'm sure he could surface again later. As for Michael, according to the previews, it looks like he is the spy for Ben - he agreed in exchange for saving his son or something. Now, haven't they showed all the survivors except for one now? Who is the last? Or am I miscounting? One other thing? Do you think Penny's dad is really bad? Ben and the captain are the ones that have both said that he is so evil, but they are the ones you supposedly cannot trust. I wonder...
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