Also we had a Family Home Evening tonight on Chores....we made a big chart and wrote a month calendar with all the chores....we have different color stickers for the different jobs. Then if they do all the normal chores and start on the extra's then they will get money at the end of the week.....so they were very excited tonight about it and all three got a sticker.
We will see how long it lasts. I am hoping they will stick with it long enough to get a little money and see how it feels. Then maybe they will continue. Let's hope.
So thanks for all the suggestions.....
Sounds like a good system. What does your chart look like? I'd be interested in seeing it. Happy Belated Birthday too. It sounds like you had a good day. I wish I were there to celebrate with you.
Hey, we had FHE on chores too- it ended in tears for Kenna (not wanting to do hers from the day) so I can't say ours was quite as successful a start as yours was. I think the picture in the red bucket it too funny, very creative. She's channeling Elmo, lol.
Jessie, it was so great to hear from you on my blog! It was good to catch up a little on your blog too. It's been forever since we've seen you guys. I totally feel the same way as you do about chores. We keep revamping everything we try over and over again. Eventually we'll get it. I'm curious as to what you came up with for your chore chart. Do you live by Kory? How's Virginia treating you? I miss it!
I have a book called "The Parenting Breakthrough: a real- life plan to teach your kids to work, save money, and be truly independent" by Merrilee Browne Boyack. I have heard raves about it. It presents a plan for teaching your children independence. I personally haven't used it too much yet because my kids are still really little but I think it makes a lot of sense. Let us know how your chart works out!
Sounds like you guys have a good plan going. It always feels so good to get a system going.
Happy Bday by the way. I was impressed your husband went shopping for you. Sounds like you had a fun day! Tell Kory I am still waiting for her to start her blog. It is so fun to keep in touch that way!
CHORES, they never get any easier. Mandy is almost twenty and can't keep her room clean for more than a day. I sounds like you have some good ideas. I hope it works for you. At least when they are teenagers you can take things away. Cell phone, ipod, car..... and this always works. I really do believe in teaching kids how to work. It is so important. The picture in the bucket is priceless. I miss having little kids around, they are so funny.
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