Today I went in there for a few things and come out 300.00 dollars later.
Are they really good deals? I mean I think I have gotten a lot better at getting things I know I will use all of. I hate it when I buy a mega pack of something and then end up throwing it away because it went bad, so I try to stick with paper products, trashbags, soaps...etc. etc.
They always seem to suck me in though. They always have cool stuff. It might be beach towels, or chairs, or it might be some cute work out shorts....pajamas for Sienna....books....movies....
cool bowls or glasses.....or just something they are sampling that we walk by and taste.
And why does it seem like such a good deal when it's at Costco when if I saw the same thing at the grocery store I would think it seemed expensive?
Am I the only one that does this? I really try to go only when I am out of toilet paper and paper towels. Hmmmmm I wonder if this is what Costco planned when they thought of the store. I guess they know what they are doing.

I'm totally with you. I try to limit my Costco runs because I end up spending so much. BUT they sure do have great stuff! It looks like you guys had a great Easter!
So funny because I have totally thought about this before! And I think there are lots of good deals,but i have found that some stuff is more expensive then the grocery store!
We never leave costco at a cheap price. I always look around at my stuff and think "really that much"?? Half the stuff is the samples they offered and thought we would try. We have learned that other than basic stuff we cant really get through that much bulk so I am trying to not go as often.
I totally know what you are talking about! I rarely go into costco and spend less than 100. Sometimes I have to force myself to ONLY look for the things I came for so that I don't get tempted. But, it's still worth it for the staples...TP, trashbags, milk, food, etc. Everytime I think that I'm not saving money, I realize I am when I can't get to costco for something and have to buy it somewhere else.
The Costco Trap. That's what it is! Huge stacks of nicely packaged products...so tempting! As I go along I keep counting the items in my cart by $10 and that usually reigns me in as I go. If I don't think about it till the checkout I am in trouble!!!
You are 100% right. David and I comment every time we come out of there that we cannot come out without spending at least $200 and that is on a good day when we didn't enter with a list. They do have a lot of fun stuff though. We do get sucked into buying bulk for some things we just want to try though, and often have to throw away a bigger portion that went uneaten. BTW, have you tried Fizz Ed? We love it. They had samples there and now I can't get enough now. It's like 70% juice and 30% carbonated water (in 4 different flavors). So Delish and no extra sugar added so not too sweet. Just love it!
Every couple of weeks I go thru this! My girls love to go with me and they are always trying to con me into all the samples and I usually give in. I agree that stuff just looks better and you think you are getting a great deal. I truly think we are getting Scammed! but, I love Costco and I will continue to go there. It is nice to be able to buy a lot of things in bulk like, toilet paper and cleaner etc....
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