My nephew called to wish me a Happy Birthday and he said "Happy 24th Birthday Aunt Jessie..." I told Cooper he sure knew the way to a girls heart! Cooper said Mom your 26...not 24! He didn't even know what he said that made me smile.
Thanks everyone for all the nice birthday messages you left me!
So I do love all the special treatment that goes along with Birthday's though....
My day started with Conwey telling me not to get up...he got the kids up at 6:30, got them breakfast, made lunches and got them off to school. While it was so nice to not have to get up I couldn't go back to sleep. I lay there thinking about the note I needed to write Cooper's teacher about him going home with a friend that day, and the field trip permission slips I needed to stick in their back was a sweet thought though. (Oh he also made me some steel cut oatmeal for breakfast.....)
Then I went to my class at the gym and after Kory took Sienna home with her and let me have the afternoon to myself. What a nice treat! A favor I will definitely repay...
then my sister called and said I am 15 minutes from your house...surprise! She walked in with a Cold Diet Coke and a present that I have been wanting forever....a Polar heart monitor watch (and it tells you how many calories you are burning too) So so sweet of her.
So we went and did a little shopping, which how nice was it to go without Sienna..(sooooo nice.)
I of course found all kinds of cute things for Sienna though....girls they are just so fun to shop for! (I did pick up a few T-shirts for the boys too though...don't worry they aren't neglected.)
So then Conwey came home with Cheesecake Factory for dinner (Hunter had basketball which put a nitch in our plans to go out) a ice creme cake and some presents from a store called South Moon Under. If you haven't heard of this store it is so so cute but so so expensive. I try not to go in there because then I just want everything. So this is one of the shirts he bought for me, but unfortunately I just can't keep a shirt that costs that much. It would just make me feel so guilty. It's sure cute though isn't it! He is very good at picking out cute clothes.

So it was a fun birthday if I don't think about the whole age thing.......I seriously still feel 16. It's weird.
I didn't know your birthday was this week!!!!! Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a great time! Fun surprises and good food, yummy! Plus, who wouldn't want a cold Diet Coke at the front door.
I know I am younger, but I have felt 20 ever since I was and I can't see it changing anytime soon. Except when I see missionaries. Then I realize I am the mom/wife and not their peer odd. And dinner was fun- and SO good- you should have b-days more often, lol.
Happy Birthday Jessie! It sounds like an awesome birthday. I love that you got to spend the afternoon out by yourself shopping...that sounds very nice! I think Cooper got it right when he said you're 26. :)
Jessie, you will always be 17 and headed to the pool with a big Harts diet coke in my mind. I hope you had a great day! An afternoon without kids sounds lovely. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Whatever - you're totally 24. And keep the shirt for goodness' sake. It's so you. I want to go to dinner with you; it looks like fun!
Jessie- Happy Birthday! I usually end up crying at least once on my birthdays- sometimes good cries, sometimes bad. You are so lucky to have such good friends that know just what a mom wants on her birthday! Can I use Conway's gifts as leverage against Troy on my bday? "Well Conway let Jesse sleep in AND took care of the kids on her birthday!" You won't relate to a competitive husband (ha) but sometimes that's what it takes to get Troy to do what he SHOULD do! With all your kids, I doubt you need a gadget to count all the calories you burn during the day- they probably burn more calories than you take in! And the cold Diet Coke is pure bliss! If only it was from Harts!
Happy birthday!! It looks like you had a great day!!! What girl doesn't love shopping , good food, friends and diet coke. Keep the shirt!!! it is so cute. You can splurge on your b-day . It is a rule , you can't feel gulity on your b-day. Your husband has good taste and you will look darling in that shirt.
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