So this last week the weather has turned cooler. (Hopefully it's temporary due to the tropical storms that keep moving through) I was talking with my friend this morning about how we are so sad for it to get cold. I am such a summer girl. I love the warmth.
Then I started thinking about fall and the fun things to do...going to pumpkin farms, and making yummy pumpkin bread. So I decided even though I would be very happy to have it warm and sunny all year long, change of seasons is kind of fun. Although I am not ready to give up my flip flops!

Can you see in Sienna's hands...she has two dolls and a blow dryer. Don't ask me why she is taking the blow dryer...I guess a girl needs her accessorises.
And when it's cold outside sometimes you gotta take it indoors....

So after years of spinning without spin shoes I FINALLY got some! Sienna and Nicky had loads of fun riding the bikes around the store, trying on all the helmets. I think the guy who worked there was happy to see us walk out. They sure look cute in those helmets though even if Sienna insisted on putting hers on backwards!
It is funny how you always want what you can't have for weather. We are dying for cooler temperature and long sleeves. It is sunny here every single day! It gets old sometimes. We are going to NYC for fall break and I can't wait to feel a chill in the air and see some leaves changing.
I feel like I haven't seen you forever. I'm like you. I love love love the Summer, but I do look forward to each season - I love the changing leaves and being outside without sweating. I just wish the Winter was a bit shorter here.
Okay so reading "Change of Seasons" made me feel crappy about being so negative about Fall! I will try to be more cheery about it. As long as we still see you and Sienna all the time I guess I can be okay with it.
I am mourning the end of summer too. I barely made it through last was so long and cold with two busy little boys and the baby. Hopefully this year will be milder! I am excited to put up our Halloween decorations though. Tomorrow!
I so wish it would cool down here. But I do love the sun and I guess I find no problem making and eating pumpkin bread when it's still 100 degrees out. Love that stuff. It just seems so much more normal to pull out all the Halloween and Fall stuff to help welcome in the cooler temps. I just can't get used to having my Christmas wreath baking in the sun. After seven years you'd think I'd get used to it!
I'm feeling a little guilty that it's Lucy's birthday today and all we're doing is eating cake and going to McDonald's playland after reading your post about that two-year-old party. WOW! That looked awesome!
Love Sienna's accessories. Girls are so funny.
Sienna is the best dressed little girl I know. And I'm with you about flip flops. I get really, palpably sad when I have to wear a closed toe shoe. Even to church.
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