So Sienna went to our neighbors little girls 2nd birthday party.
Moon bounce, pony rides, farm animals, it was quite the party. I don't think we can compete with this one.
She sure had fun though.....who wouldn't!

Sienna arriving...she always has to have her purse!

Isn't this the cutest little playhouse....every little girls dream play house.

She had no fear of the pony at all, she jumped right on.

No fear of the goat either....

She didn't really like the rabbit's too much though......she's like...get me out of here!

While she had all the fancy stuff to play with she played on the swing and slide the most.

Imagine what this little girls sweet 16 party will be like!
That is just it, I don't think you can imagine this sweet 16 birthday party! Really will she actually remember this birthday? Do you remember your 2nd birthday? I don't. Remember you don't have to play keep up with the Jone's.
I don't know who left this comment but don't worry I am not trying to keep up with the Jone's....
This is so funny!!! My sister and I threw my niece a big party when she turned two. We had ponies and a million little kids. My niece was a wreck, crying and kids were running everywhere. It was crazy-!! Lets just say we never did that again. This brought me right back to her party and gave me a good laugh. I always threw my kids b-day parties, Sam used to tease me and call them birthday extravaganza's. (Ha Ha) He was just jealous because he never had b-day parties!
Sienna is too cute. We love to see her when see's starring on the blog. Noah just got invited to a party and the ponies will be in attendance. He keeps saying that ponies are fairy tales. He doesn't believe they are real. Now I'll have proof.
Okay, wow- quite the party. The play house was pretty cute though, I'm not gonna lie. Last yr in Boise we went to some people's house who have miniture ponies to ride them. They do b-day parties all the time and make a pretty penny doing it. But a two year old? Just so not likely they will remember it. But oh well, fun for you guys and you didn't have to pay! lol
How fun!! Gotta love parties! I bet she was in heaven. She is so cute!
That looks like an amazing party. How fun. A few months ago, our neighbor had a huge party for her five-year-old, very similar to this one. There were 24 kids invited and the birthday girl was so overwhelmed with it all, she spent the entire party locked in her room playing with her stuffed animals. It was kind of funny, but I felt bad for all the mom's work.
I don't know why I just told you that.
I love that Sienna goes everywhere with a purse. She is all girl and so cute. Love you Jess.
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