So today after the kids got home from school and I just had gotten Sienna down for a nap I hear all these little giggles outside my office window...then the doorbell starts ringing...more giggling...pitterpatter of their feet running by my window....I don't answer because my boys are up the street at a friends again giggling....running....doorbell ringing....running.....
Sienna wakes the third time it happens I go out walk around the side of the house where there are about 6 girls trying to hide. Tell them the boys aren't actually home and to please stop ringing the door bell because it's waking up Sienna....they run away pretty fast.
(I was very nice about it though)
Fast forward...the boys come home.....I hear a lot of giggling outside....the boys go out....and that's where spy mom comes in. I sit and listen to their little funny conversations. Of course to make sure they aren't talking about anything inappropriate. :)
I tried to get video but I need to work on my spy methods....just got some pictures through the window. I thought it was pretty entertaining.

Cooper has always been the one not so interested in's all about sports with him.
Hmmmm I think times are a changing!
Fast forward...the boys come home.....I hear a lot of giggling outside....the boys go out....and that's where spy mom comes in. I sit and listen to their little funny conversations. Of course to make sure they aren't talking about anything inappropriate. :)
I tried to get video but I need to work on my spy methods....just got some pictures through the window. I thought it was pretty entertaining.
Hmmmm I think times are a changing!
Is that Jackson in the picture talking to the girls too??? My kids are all about the crushes in their classes. I can't handle that yet. I tell them that crushes aren't allowed in our family. Is that wrong?
I am so glad you are figuring out this stuff first. I will learn from watching you. How funny that the girls just wanted to see your boys but not funny that it was waking up Sienna. I would have been pretty frustrated!
OH! You are just beginning! I am excited for you. Ha Ha! Teenagers, waiting up, dating. It's all just around the corner!!!
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