Monday, April 28, 2008

My son Hunter....

So Hunter and his friends are really into making little clips and movies for YouTube.
Is this just a Ashburn thing or do any of your kids this age do it too? A lot of the kids out here do it.
So he and his friend Ryan  made this one at Ryan's house today. Just thought I would share.....

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Oh my gosh anyone else having horrible allergies? I feel like I want to die! 
I never had allergies until I moved to the east coast.
It is miserable! I can't sleep. All day long I
 am sneezing, my eyes are like a stream of water...
my throat hurts, my head is pounding.... 
Am I a baby? Conwey and I were at dinner last night and he thinks I am being a bit of a baby about it.
(by the way we tried the new American Flatbread place
 that is all organic ...for you Ashburn girls who read this, and it was really good!)
He use to be the one that suffered so badly and then they just kind of stopped for him. 
Nothing works for me either. I can't take Benedryl or I will sleep through a train wreck. I tried Zyrtec. I take Claritin every day but I don't know if it is working. I feel like I need to take 2 of them but it says on the box only take one.
Anyone have any tricks? 
Poor Sienna she has them to. I think it must be the tree pollen because that is what is so high right now.
Okay thanks for listening to my little venting post. 

***Little update since I posted this. I went to the Dr. finally after so many years of suffering and I am wondering why I didn't do it sooner. Oh my gosh just in one day I feel so much better!
If any of you suffer with allergies go get a prescription! It makes a huge difference.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sienna on the computer

So do I do too many posts with Sienna? I just have so much time with her while the boys are at school. Today I walked around the corner and found her typing away on the computer. She seemed to know exactly what she was doing. Is this telling me I may spend a little too much time on the computer? She talks (and talks and talks) like this pretty much from the moment she wakes up to the moment she falls asleep......did she get that from me too????
Sorry it's so dark. You might want to pause the music on the right......


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sun worshipping...does it run in the family?

Sienna took a break from playing in the sprinkler today and I looked over and this is what I saw....
Is she my daughter or what?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

And so it begins.....

Well Saturday it all started......or ended that is. My free time, my week nights, my Saturdays....
Baseball is here. It is now all I will be doing until June. If any of you are ever wondering where I am.....well I am either taking someone to baseball, or bringing someone home from baseball, sitting at multiple baseball games. Some times I might sit through 9 hours of baseball from the first baseball game on a Saturday to the last.
I really enjoy football season, and basketball season, and swim season, but baseball I am sorry to say bores me. The games are sooooo long, not very exciting, and I am usually chasing Sienna around trying to keep her from jumping in the mud.

So Saturday was the Opening Ceremonies and they have a big parade, throw out the first pitch and have all kinds of fun games and food.
The kids had a lot of fun walking with their teams in the parade.

Sienna wanted to get out and march in the parade too...Conwey was not able to stay because he had to go help coach Hunter's team. (Hunter is now in the older league so he didn't march in the parade)

Sienna was being a bit difficult so we were feeding her full of pretty much anything to keep her quite and entertained...

And after all the sugar she was dancing like crazy to the music they had playing.........

White Pants probably not the best idea.............

How about that....Sienna is finally letting me put a ponytale in her hair! I just kept trying and trying and then one day she didn't rip it out. Hurray!

The kids all had a blast on all the rides though. Cooper and his friend Dylan were such good sports and took Sienna in the moon bounce and up the slide.....we had a hard time getting her off the rides. This is Sienna coming down that big slide! She has no fear.

Gotta give her credit though she sure held her own in the moon bounce with all those big kids.

Cooper and Dylan

So after 6 hours and a few sun burns I finally got the kids out of I will see you all in June after baseball is over.....oh ya then swim team begins............

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ahhhh Spring Finally!

So we have had a long cold winter. At least I feel like it has been a long cold winter.
I have been so ready for spring. Well today it finally came!
75 glorious degrees today. I even got a little sunburn. :)
Remi called and invited us over for lunch and fun in the sun. So we got out the jog stroller and headed over of course singing popcorn popping all the way there. Sienna had a blast playing with Sophie, Brooke, and Craig. Sophie sure had her laughing on the swing! I feel a little bad for Sienna because we got rid of all the back yard toys and play set when we moved and she LOVES to swing and go down the slide. She kept going down the slide today saying wee..this is fun! I might have to break down and get her something for the backyard.

Then the boys got home and were so excited to do a Lemonade Stand. They had been talking about it since they got on the bus....gotta give them credit they sit out there for a long time yelling to every car that goes can they pass by these faces?

I have to say I find it so endearing that people actually stop their in suits on their way home from work, tired and I am sure anxious to get home...but they stop, get out of their cars, and buy a cup of lemonade from the two eager money earners on the side of the road.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Popcorn Popping


Growing up on the west coast I never understood the song popcorn popping on the apricot tree.
It wasn't until I moved to Virginia that I got it.
It is now Sienna's favorite song to sing and we sing it every morning on the way to the gym about 8 times.
As soon as she sees the trees it reminds her.
I have to admit I love the "popcorn trees" I always get sad when they turn green.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Boys and Dirt.....

Okay I was reading on a friends blog the other day about her frustrating day for many reasons...but one was that she had a million kids at her house playing and her house was just cleaned and the juice boxes dripping juice...all the little feet coming through.....anyway I think I wrote a comment about how great it is to be the house all the kids want to play at, that way you can always keep a eye and ear on them..... well I am eating my words now.
Yesterday was my day that there were a million kids over here coming in and out....I went downstairs last night and this is what I saw (it looks ALOT worse in real life too I just couldn't get a picture that showed how bad it is)

Yep that mud goes all the way around!
I kept remembering Shawni's blog post and trying to keep my cool wondering how in the world all the mud is going to come out...I wanted to ring my kids necks. Then thank heavens for this blog...I thought I am going to document this mud.... so I went down and started taking pictures.
Hunter says to me "mom Ryan thinks your crazy taking pictures of the mud..." well Ryan it's better that I am taking pictures of the mud than ringing your necks don't you think????
I guess it comes with having three boys...I'll have to write about the sleep over I got talked into letting them have last night at a later date....seriously why why WHY do I do that to myself????