Mother's Day is my favorite day of the whole year. Even better than my birthday.
I get a day off from being a mom. (not that I don't love being a mom, but a day off once a year is really nice.)
My day started with what was my favorite breakfast... Fresh fruit (with a little added chocolate, and whipped creme) some soy bacon, a cold diet coke, some beautiful flowers and some of my favorite reading material......great start to a great day.
Conwey worked really hard to make my day. Thanks
Conwey you're the best!

My sister was able to spend the weekend with us because her husband was out of town. It was fun having her around.
We lounged in our pj's, we watched a movie called Atonement. We went to church...I always love hearing the boys sing for mother's day, then we had dinner with all of
Conwey's family. The men do all the shopping, preparing, cooking, and cleaning up. It is so great!
Conwey made a really good spinach salad, some yummy grilled asparagus, and he grilled himself and the boys some steaks....his one day to shop and cook and he picks steaks is that telling me something? Am I depriving him? :)
A few pics of the afternoon.....

Thought this was funny of Sienna asleep with her arm up

Sienna loves loves loves her cousins...this is Paige. The girls are so sweet with Sienna. Not sure who served that piece of cake for her, but I am sure they weren't the ones going home with her!

The gang... it was also
Conwey's brother Nico's birthday so we were singing Happy Birthday.
Conwey's little sister Merry (she has the awesome plays I was telling about for kids with Down Syndrome) and my sister Rachel

My mother in law Jill...couldn't have asked for a better mother in law!
It's been three Mother's Days since my mom passed away. It is getting a little easier every year but man I sure miss her. I think of her everyday and wish I could hear her laugh.
I always seem to see things in a store and would love that maybe for mother's day....then I remember. It's kind of weird.
Anyway couldn't put a post up about mother's without remembering my own.

That's my mom and I laying on the floor together.

Some pictures of my mom and dad on their honeymoon.......

My mom...Maureen
Milligan Hardie......miss you mom!