Sienna wore her costume all day. She wore it to the gym in the are a couple of her friends there....
We had lots of fun trick or treating....Sienna totally got it this year, she would walk right up knock on the door say trick or treat, and she always said Thank was cute.
Hunter is too cool to go with us anymore. He went trick or treating with friends and then to a party. Sad.
Cooper had friends come over and go with us...then as soon as I know it there are a bunch of girls coming right along with us's cracking me up that they are always around now and Coop is pretty oblivious....
Coop and his best friend Dylan above and I tried to get some pictures with the girls but they didn't work very good.....
Rach and Jimmy came up and Ed and Jill too (Conwey's parents) I made a big old pot of chicken chili and cornbread so I could get a little nutritional value into my kids before the mounds of candy. And when I say mounds I am not is crazy the amount of candy they get. Full size (King Freaking Size) candy's crazy. When I was little we would work so hard and I think I got maybe half of what these kids get in double the time.
Rach and Sienna
I was just thinking how sad it is that we don't get to do halloween together. Maybe next year will be the one. Let's cross our fingers that we can sell the house and me closer. Love Sienna. She's too cute.
Jess, I love Sienna's costume. She makes the sweetest little witch ever. I miss seeing Conwey in the Santa suit with the skeleton mask - that always meant Halloween to me.
I love your jack-o-lanterns. It must be nice to have older kids help. We only got 1 1/2 done this year, but somehow, no one seemed to mind to much. Hope things are going well.
I agree. I am always telling my kids that we would mostly get hard candy and only a few tiny candy bars when I was a kid. I can't believe the amount of chocolate these kids get. Hey, did you want the name of the dentist for the kids that I absolutely love or the name of the dermatologist I like for me. You said my dentist - but I'm not crazy about him.
It is crazy how fast October came and went! Cute pictures! Sienna is such a doll!
sienna's witch costume is adorable! She makes the cutest witch ever.... Your boys scored on the candy, I would have been pumped to get all those huge candy bars. We never got candy like that!
What a cute little witch. I tried to get Lucy to be a witch this year, and no go. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Seeing all those amazing VA homes makes me miss that place. Sad.
Keep me a copy of Witchy-Poo picture. It is the cutest! Sienna, bring me your picture!! I love the first on on the front porch. Grandma
Such a cute little witch! It's true how the years go by so fast. I have to say, I was glad when Halloween was over with because Oct. is so crazy busy. I'm enjoying the slow pace of November!!
Sienna is so dang cute, especially as a little witch. I can't believe how much she's grown! Seriously, it's been too long. She was 3 months last time we saw her! She is a doll and the boys are so cute taking care of her for Halloween! Glad you guys had fun!
It looks like you had a great Halloween. I will get around to blogging it sometime! Sienna was adorable and it looks like the boys had fun too. We have sooooo much candy at our house. Not the best but fun for them.
oh my gosh these pictures are SO cute! I love the little witch. I'm sad it's come and gone again too. Time is flying by way too quick~!
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