Okay I feel like it's getting worse every year! I can't handle it that before Halloween even hits the stores have all the Christmas stuff out. I don't want to even think about Christmas yet.
I walked in a store the other day and was hit by blasting Christmas music and Christmas decorations EVERYWHERE! Why why why!
I just want to enjoy my holidays as they come.
Okay any of you have any good Christmas traditions you want to share. I am really wanting to do something different this year. Take my kids to a homeless shelter and let them help serve food or something so they can see what it's like for some people and realize how lucky they are.
I just feel like it is so much darn work, and time, and money, and then it's all over in 1 hour!
I know I need to over come my bah humbug feelings and be happy and cheerful about Christmas...I use to love it. Sometimes it just takes me getting my trees and decorations out before I get in the Christmas Spirit.
Help...anyone out there know how I can get it back?
Hah! You are so opposite from me. Guess what we are doing right at this very moment? Decorating. I had to control myself not to get everything out the day after Halloween. This is my favorite time of year and I get very excited to pull everything out a little too early I guess. I like how happy the season generally seems to make people --- the It's a Wonderful Life playing on the tv and feeling in the air -- I agree that it is WAY over commericialized - but I still love it all, including the Christmas shopping. I'm ready to and do take it all down RIGHT after Christmas, so I like to enjoy for as long as I can :)
btw, I really like that movie we saw the other day - I've been recommending it to everyone!
I totally hear you. I am thinking through how much work the next couple months will be and it tires me. I wish I could lower my expectations and enjoy but it doesn't work that way for me. We need to gear up right?
ughh, I so agree Jess. The only thing that seems to help me is when I focus on ways to serve. Frankly I'm not in the mood right now...so let me know what anyone comes up with :)
I can't wait to hear if you come up with a great service idea. Every year I feel more and more guilty about Christmas...I mean, I LOVE it, don't get me wrong. But we've got to find a way to serve more. I want my kids to reach outside of themselves instead of trying to figure out what to ask Santa for when they really have everything they want already. Hmmm.
Hi, you don't know me but I am Chad Larson's wife. Chad served his mission with Conwey. Anyway, Chad will be in the D.C. area on Sunday and would love to get together with you guys. Go to church or something. Have Conwey Call him At 714-475-4871 or email him at crashlarz@yahoo.com Thanks and hope this isn't weird. Super cute Family...we have four kids now too.
I couldn't agree more! I used to love it! I am not looking forward to all the work and money! YUCK
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