Leave for Swim Meet 6:45 AM-Leave pool 2:00 PM rushing to grab some lunch on the way to Hunter's all-star baseball game tournament that starts at 3:00 (by the way Hunter made the winning hit and they won the game by 1 point) I of course missed that hit because I am running now to take the boys to Football try outs that start at 5:30, that Hunter will run to right after his game and change in the car. Sienna so tired she can barely see straight falls alseep in the car while I wait for Conwey to get there with Hunter.
I think Hunter will sleep good tonight. Swim Meet, Baseball Game, Football Tryouts. I think we will all sleep good tonight.
3 different sports in one day....Is this normal?
Now my kids want to go back to the pool for Flick and Float night....( a movie while floating on the rafts in the pool) I haven't decided yet if I am a nice enough mom to jump in the car again and drive down for it. Ask me again in 5 minutes.........
NO! It's not normal. And Yes, I bet you were that nice, to take them to flick and float...you are a good mom like that.
Not a chance I would have gone back to the pool...wait maybe I would have. It is just so hard to say no to such fun things. Wow, that is quite the day!
sounds like my day today. i thought summer was for relaxed fun. i guess those days are long gone. for now at least.
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