Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Vacation part 1

Our House

So we are here in the Outer Banks, North Carolina. It is one of my favorite beaches.
We are with all of Conwey's family and having a great time.
The kids are in heaven spending day and night with their cousins...
Sienna has loved spending time with the cousins. Especially Paige. I think she thinks she is as old as the big girls.......

She has also found 2 new best friends in her cousins that live in Charleston. Noah and Lana.
They can get her laughing.....


We spend the days at the beach surfing and making sand castles...

Our nights we spend letting the kids do make-overs on their dads....(very scary)

Very Very Scary!

Drew and Madie expecting their first baby....a little girl.

Sienna and Lana

No fear of fish thats for sure!

Conwey's hilarious sister Merry...she has had us laughing all week.

I don't think any of us are getting any sleep....these guys were watching a movie together and this is how we found them.

Sleepy cousins!

Looking for trouble.....

Jackson and Henry

Sienna and her dad...... gone fishin......

So I find it very hard to blog on a laptop, but I will try and do another post after I down load more pictures.
We are having a lot of fun and don't want to come home. Gotta love Vacations!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

And it's Over....

Saturday July 26th 2008

Today was our last day of swimming. It makes me so sad in a way.
Swim team is like a big family. You are together SO much for 2 months and then it's over and a lot of these people you don't see again till next year. Even though it is exhausting it goes so fast we will miss it. Jackson has decided he wants to keep swimming all winter. One more thing added to our schedule...scary.
We had Divisional's today and Hunter and Jackson both swam. They both took time off their best times so I was happy. I tell them all the time I don't care what place they take just as long as they beat their own time.

Sienna and her buddy Josie waiting patiently today for a very long time at Divisionals.

Tonight we had our Awards Ceremony and Tuckahoe Ball. It is our end of the season dance that all the kids love. They do a great slide show that always makes me cry.
Here are a few pictures from the night.....

Jackson getting his awards. Our head Coach Jesse giving them out.



Sienna wants one too.....

The Guys.....

Jackson and his cousin Henry

Sienna and her "best friends"

Starting the melt down.....time for bed!

So we are off to the OBX in the morning....Can't wait to be sitting at the beach listening to the waves tomorrow.....
Lots of pictures to come I'm sure.........

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Crazy Life......

Life seems to be so crazy lately. I am so ready for vacation (1 more week!)
I feel like I am behind on everything in my life right now....I feel like I don't ever have the time or energy to even blog!

This past week Jackson and three other little boys his age made All Star Relays.
This is the first time one of my kids has made it and I have to say I was always a little glad we didn't have to deal with it. It is a long long day.
Jackson sure had a blast though. It is about 100 pools that all compete in these relays.
They started with a pancake breakfast, then had a practice, then their little group went to lunch, then back to the pool for warm ups, then caravaning to Springfield to then wait about 4 hours to swim in their relay that take a total of 1 minute 21 seconds!
It was a VERY hot day out but the kids don't seem to mind.

Ben Memmit, Josh Welland, Garrett Brown, Jackson

One more week of Swim Team then we are off to the the beach.
The day after we get home from the beach all three boys start oh man not even one day of nothing......I guess it will make vacation that much sweeter!

One day when we had to be up at the pool all day for one reason or another we decided to take a break and get out of the sun for a bit. I some how got the girls and the mall, my friend Cassie got all the boys at her house. I definitely got the better end of the deal. These girls are so great! They wanted to get little best friends necklaces with Sienna....too cute.
We will miss seeing them everyday when summer ends.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Everyday I end up with a pile of wet towels to wash......
I feel like that is ALL I do...wash towels.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Is this Normal?

Leave for Swim Meet 6:45 AM-Leave pool 2:00 PM rushing to grab some lunch on the way to Hunter's all-star baseball game tournament that starts at 3:00 (by the way Hunter made the winning hit and they won the game by 1 point) I of course missed that hit because I am running now to take the boys to Football try outs that start at 5:30, that Hunter will run to right after his game and change in the car. Sienna so tired she can barely see straight falls alseep in the car while I wait for Conwey to get there with Hunter.
I think Hunter will sleep good tonight. Swim Meet, Baseball Game, Football Tryouts. I think we will all sleep good tonight.
3 different sports in one day....Is this normal?

Now my kids want to go back to the pool for Flick and Float night....( a movie while floating on the rafts in the pool) I haven't decided yet if I am a nice enough mom to jump in the car again and drive down for it. Ask me again in 5 minutes.........

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July

So my Fourth of July started off in the Urgent Care. Fun.
The day before I got what I thought was a bee we aren't sure if it was that or a spider bite. My finger started swelling a bit but I thought oh that's normal for a bee sting and took some Benedryl.
That afternoon Conwey and I went and played tennis. By the end my finger was getting rather large, itchy, and red.
Our great friends The Lewis' came to town (minus Matt and little Matt...we missed you!) and were staying with us so we were busy and I didn't bother to call the Dr.
Well that night my finger blew up like a tree trunk, was hot to the touch and started moving up my hand....of course it would be on a holiday when there aren't any Dr. offices open so I went to the Urgent Care. They gave me a big old shot in my bum and one in my arm. (not to be a baby but man they hurt!)
Gave me some giant horse pills to take for a week and I am happy to say my finger is finally going down.
Don't know if you can tell from this picture....but it wasn't a pretty sight!
So then Cooper has his All-Star tournament. I know... seriously who schedules a baseball game on the Fourth of July. Men. I think they must think what could be better or more American than baseball on the Fourth.
We have a great family and Conwey's parents, Merry, and Sierra all came. Rachel and Jimmy came too. Thanks guys..that is a nice thing to do on your holiday.
Well they won the game so it was exciting. Coop is in his glory. They played again last night and won too. So now they go on to Monday....we will see.

Coop and his best friend Dylan

So then we usually go to our pool because they do all kinds of fun things for the Fourth but since Coop's team won they all wanted to go out to eat together. So we did that instead.
It was kind of a rainy afternoon too.
So since it was raining on and off we decided not to go downtown for fireworks. Conwey went and spent way too much money on a bunch of fireworks for the kids and they had a blast doing them in front of our house. Our whole neighborhood was lighting them off so we had quite the show. Someone had gone somewhere and got some really great ones that shot off in the sky so we got to enjoy those too.

This is Kate Lewis and Sienna LOVES her! They have been playing non stop since Thursday.

Conwey is the biggest kid of them all. He loves this as much as they do.