Jackson was so excited. His first "A" meet. We left our house at 6:45 to go to the pool and decorate cars to caravan to the pool. I can't believe it, but I forgot my camera. (it was too darn early!!!)
He was so nervous. He dives in and down come his goggles.....his darn brother Hunter took his goggles during his swim made them bigger and then when Jackson got them back he didn't know to tighten them. So sad! He still did great though. Little trooper. Swam with out his goggles...when he was done he came over to me sobbing. He was so sad. But he came back in the relay....his team won and he swam his heart out.

Jackson is in the middle lane...looking a little nervous.
Hunter did great on his swims too......

Oh and a Happy Happy Birthday to Conwey's cute sister Summer yesterday! We love you Summer!
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