Yesterday was the last day of the regular season for Jackson.
Hunter is still going. It was about 100 degrees yesterday. I am not exaggerating . We are having a mini heat wave here. So we were all wishing we were at the pool yesterday. Swim team was sounding good. Jackson had a great game and lost by 1 run in the playoffs.
Hunter had a great game too.....
Coop lost his game earlier in the week so they were out.
Now I think ahhhh we can concentrate on swimming. That is my sport and I love it. It means it's summer, we are at the pool...I don't know why but it makes me happy.
Well we just found out both Hunter and Cooper have been selected for an All-Star team for baseball.....ahhhhhhh it goes until the end of July! I seriously want to cry. More Baseball!
It is really going to mess up swim team. We will try to do both. But I know these boys and their dad, if there is a conflict baseball will come first.
This is my life, I guess I better come to terms with it huh.
So think of me while you are all having a nice relaxing summer. I will be sitting at more baseball games than I care to count.
That's what you get for having talented children! I must say, those pictures look pretty awesome. Maybe it's worth it JUST to get the cool shots of your kids.
Oh, BTW, we changed our blog a little bit, so the link changed slightly. You'll still find it if you go to, but the main page isn't named "main" so your old link won't work. Anyway, just FYI!
Oh Jessie...yay! for your boys, thats great that they made the teams, but I am so sorry for you!!!! sitting through those games in the heat...can you say, kill me now??? :)
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