So every Friday during swim team season we have a big potluck at the pool with the swim team.
Tonight was our first one. I have to say there was some really good food there. I think the first one is always the best because everyone is happy to be back and brings yummy food. It just goes down hill from here though. By the last one everyone is tired and all there is to eat is KFC and Pizza....
For those of you that don't do swim team you have to understand this is our life for the next 6 weeks. We pretty much live at the pool. It is like a big family there.
My friend Kim O. has two kids. Cole and Kate. They are the sweetest kids ever. They just happen to really love to play with Sienna. IT IS SO NICE! They entertain her the whole time they are there. Sienna loves them so much already. I told their mom at the end of the summer I would need to hand them each a wad of cash for playing with her so much.
This is Kate and Sienna.

Then there are the boys seem to have a bit of a reputation at the pool. They like to get into mischief. Seems like one of them is always sitting under the life guard chair in time out.
It doesn't help that they have their cousins there as their side kicks.
I think the life guards see us coming and think Oh boy here they come......
They have grown up going there and just feel so comfortable there I think.
This is Jackson and his cousin Henry. They are the same age and best friends.....but boy can they get into some trouble together!

Then there is Sienna and those darn fins! She LOVES them. She just finds random ones laying around the pool deck and always has to put them on and walk around. It's funny unless we are trying to actually leave and she wants to walk to the car in them. Takes about 8 hours to get there....

So we have our first meet tomorrow morning. I am sure there will be a lot more pictures to come.
Have I mentioned that I LOVE SUMMER TIME!