What to choose?

My neighborhood goes crazy for Halloween.
The amount of candy my kids have....Cooper got over 300 peices in 1 hour.
I remember getting one little candy per house. Now they get handfuls and full size bars.
It is a fun holiday though. The kids have so much fun and it makes me remember when I was little
and all the fun I had with my brother. We would sit and wait looking out the window for it to get dark and then
bolt out of the house with our pillow cases..by the way my kids are on to the whole pillowcase thing.
Their buckets just don't hold enough. They figured out that pillow cases hold a heck of a lot more and I didn't even tell them about it.

They had their class parties...I went in to help out. Sienna came too. She was in heaven in Cooper's class.
I have mixed emotions on the class parties. They are suppose to dress up but they always want to wear masks for Trick or Treating..so that means we have to think of something else for school but they can't wear make-up. So Tuesday night I said to the boys lets go look in the Halloween tub and see what you guys can be for school tomorrow. Now Cooper was a Vampire for about 4 years in a row because he wanted to be. So I was sure I was safe on that costume. I picked up some Vampire teeth for Jackson.
Well of course we can't find the dang costume anywhere. We have the shirt and that's it.
Poor Jackson..he found some black baseball pants he wore for the pants and we couldn't find
the cape anywhere so he went without it. But he had his teeth!!!
At least it was only for an hour right...
Coop brought all his stuff and then decided he didn't want to put it on.(Along with a couple of his friends..I guess they are too cool or something...)

Sienna had so much fun going from house to house. I think she liked looking at all the decorations more than the actual candy.
My sister Rachel and her husband Jimmy came to our house, Conwey's parents, and Amy brought the cousins Nicolas and Henry.
It was a fun and crazy night.
My poor child Hunter though, he went trick or treating with some friends...when they walked in they looked very upset and said we just got mugged....I thought they were kidding until I went and talked to them and could tell they were really upset.
Apparently some dumb High School kids had tried to take their candy. They tackeled Hunter's friend Matt. I was proud that they didn't get a hold of their candy though. What do these big kids think....it is frustrating that they feel they have the right to do that.
I am betting that next year they will stay on our porch and scare they trick or treaters instead of going themselves.
It's too bad.
But all and all it was a lot of fun. I can't believe it's over and we are into November. I don't want to even begin to think about
1 comment:
I can't believe the lame mugging - I'm glad they weren't hurt. Pics are great. We do the same thing w/pumpkins but on the early side; by the time h-eve rolls around, they're too smushy to light.
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