What a great place to save memory's!
So this weekend we finish with our two baseball games and 1 football game early.
We are done by 2:00....which never happens. We are usually gone from 9:00 am until 4:00 or 5:00.
So Sat. we decide it is such a beautiful day out...lets go on a walk as a family and walk down to BullFrog Pond (for those of you not familiar with this it is a catch and release pond in our neighborhood)
So we let the boys bring their fishing poles, stick Sienna in the jog stroller and head down to the pond.
We hadn't been there 5 minutes when Conwey, Coop, and Jackson decide to walk over to a little bank to fish..
Sienna and I are still on the little dock when I hear a blood curdling scream coming from none other that my crazy child Jackson....I am afraid to look. Conwey and Jackson come around the corner..Conwey looking a bit pale and Jackson sobbing...
Jackson ran in front of Conwey with a swaying fishing hook and some how it got him right in the neck! Very close to his Artery! You know the big one!
So luckily one of Hunter's friends is there and calls his mom to run over..she comes and takes Conwey and Jackson back to our house so Conwey can stick Jackson in the car and take him to the ER...mean while I walk the kids home...call Rach to have her come stay with the kids...and wait for Conwey to call so I can go over when they aren't still waiting in the waiting room.
Long story short....we got a crazy Dr. that didn't know what he was doing...after what Conwey calls a three ring circus act...they manage to cut the hook right down to the skin and it slips under...hmmm now what. The Dr. admits about 5 times what a mistake he has made....doesn't make us feel better.
They consider putting Jackson into surgery to get it out because it is so close to the artery....
They call one more Dr in..a ear, nose and throat specialist. We call our good friend Andrew out in S.L.C. to see what he thinks....luckily we feel good about this Dr. He numbs Jackson up...cuts his neck open and gets the hook out.
Three stitches later...we get to go home.
We have been in the ER 5 times now with Jackson. I told him maybe this is a sign he needs to calm down, seeing as he is only 7 yrs old.
I am sure it won't be the last time either.
I am just grateful he is okay.
What a crazy life with these boys!
Stay tuned....I am sure there is more great stories to come!
I love the blog! It was great talking to you last week, until I realized you were calling from the ER. I'm glad Jackson is okay. It looks like he'll have a great scar and a good story to tell friends, kids, and grandkids for years to come.
We'll look forward to many more ER stories (you and Andrew can compete for who has more.) Can't wait to see more pictures of your cute family.
OH MY GOSH!!! You are so chill, Jessie! I think I'd still be hyperventilating into a bag!!! But it is funny; maybe Jackson should have his own blog all about the ER. I'm glad that he's ok...and that you're not a basket case like myself! I will so LOVE checking back to your blog!
Jessie, I just saw your blog on Elizabeth and Andrew's site. Your kids are so cute and so big. I love the stories...keep them coming!
btw, i love your music. I have a lot of these on my ipod already, but I'm adding the others. You have great taste!
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