My favorite part of Christmas morning is all the hugs! We hugged after every present when I was growing up and thank heavens Sienna is keeping that tradition going strong....
I also loved each of their sweet gifts they gave me. Coop gave me a cute silver heart necklace, Jackson gave me some awesome pajama pants that I love, Hunter gave me a ton of my favorite gum and Sienna she gave me a really awesome bench from Anthropology...hmmm not sure how she pulled that one off since Conwey and I agreed on no gifts this year for each other!

Sienna loved her pizza making Barbies from Holly and Little Jackson....
Hunter actually gets harder and harder every year. He had no list for me this year...I had to guess on everything he got. And fyi because of the sports court we weren't going crazy on the gifts so it made shopping for Hunter nearly impossible...but I think he was pleased...mostly with his 20 bottles of hairspray he got..or maybe his zit medicine Jackson gave him! Ha! I love funny gifts.
J-man's comment to me on Christmas afternoon was priceless to me. He said

I LOVE my life...I have everything I could ever want. Wow...after a month of stressing over Christmas I was pretty happy to hear that one!
Hmmm Coops gifts look strangly exactly what he wanted last year...just a different name on the back. He was very happy to get his Rondo jersey.
Jackson was dying for a pillow pet this year....Conwey was like I don't think my 11 year old son needs to be a getting pillow this was the next best thing. He said he actually likes it better...phew!
Really one of my favorite parts of Christmas is going to the mailbox every single day and getting all your cards. I hope this tradition never ends in the electronic world we now live in!
So even though I felt very overwhelmed this Christmas for some strange reason I really really love Christmas time. I love the gift giving...I love the daily thoughts that somehow always turn to Jesus birth...I love the Christmas music...the lights that decorate all the neighborhoods...the baked goods that show up on your doorstep....and just the magical feeling of Christmas Time!
So here's to 2010 Christmas! Till next year....peace out.
(Don't know why I just typed that but I am keeping it in because it made me chuckle.)
Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! I can't believe it is over and gone and we are back to the regular routine on Monday! It went way to fast for me! Happy New Year!!!!
Happy New Year! Love your cute Christmas pictures. I LOVE the Christmas cards too. It is so fun to see how everyone is growing up every year. Hope February comes quickly for you!
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