So every once in awhile you meet a person and you instantly become friends and feel like you have known that person FOREVER...I still remember the day I met my sweet friend Holly at the gym. We are a like in so many ways we even named our kids the exact same name...not just the first name the middle name too. Weird! Jackson Edward.
I love love love Holly she is an amazing person and I don't know what I would do without her...so here are my 10 Things I love about Holly Joy Haefner...
1. She is without a doubt the most generous person I have ever met. Not just to me to my whole family and extended family as well....
2. She is an amazing mom doing everything on her own..not sure how she does it. She works soooooo hard!
3. She is so fun to be around and always happy.
4. She sings with me (out loud) in our gym classes...sorry to everyone around us...but we just don't care.
5. She is an amazing athlete.
6. She has been through sooooo much and yet still keeps an amazing attitude.
7. She comes to all my kids games...even baseball!
8. She bends over backwards and goes above and beyond for the ones she loves.
9. We love all the same shows and can always count on her to introduce me to ones I should be watching but not watching...sometimes it can take awhile but when I finally listen she is of course right on and I get hooked.
10. She is beautiful inside and out and I feel very lucky to have her in my life and in my family's life.
11. She is an AMAZING (yes I know I use that word a lot but just describes Holly so well) Baker! (had to add that bonus one)
So Happy Birthday Holly! I hope it's the best year of your life...I have a sneaking suspicion it's going to be!