Sunday, September 5, 2010


I think there might be something seriously wrong with me...I start having little anxiety attacks a few weeks before Labor Day because I get so super sad when summer ends. I think I am one of the very few moms out there that doesn't want school to start. I love summer! I love hanging out with my kids, going to the pool, B-ques, sleeping in late, staying up too late, I get soooo sad when it's time for the pools to close. We even tried to talk the lifeguards at one of our pools into staying for one more week....he laughed and said he's out of here...on to a cruise in Miami...hmmm don't really understand what's so great about that...why he wouldn't want to stay in good old Ashburn Virginia...but whatever!

This is Jackson and his attached at the hip brother from another mother Grant...they have had more sleepovers this summer than I can even count.....We love Grant though!

Time with Friends will be so missed...

I don't want to think about Fall...about Halloween, Thanksgiving, let alone stinkin Christmas!
Noooooo to cold weather and coats, boots, and
I love love love to be able to walk out in flipflops & not be chilled to the bone!
Sooooo with that little rant off my chest
I am going to enjoy one last day of summer,
one last day at the pool with my kids...
Sniff, Sniff....


Chelsea said...

Jessie, I totally feel the same way. Summer is so carefree, I love it! My kids aren't in full-time school yet, but I still get that kind of depressed feeling about all the obligations that go with fall/winter. Also, I love the ease of flip flops! So necessary with kids. I hate having to put on socks and shoes when I'm trying to get out the door - not to mention their socks and shoes. And coats and hats, etc. Ahhhh! Well, how could we appreciate summer so much unless we had to suffer?? :)

Elizabeth said...

Jess, you know that we are on the same page with this topic. Don't feel too bad though, our summer ended two weeks ago.

BTW, love Jackson's swim suit. I got the same one for Isaac on super clearance - 4.99! Sweet.

Kristin said...

Hi there! Love to see you guys on the blog! Your kids are so adorable...and grown up! WOW! I'd love to put your link on my blog too :) (if that is ok)