Last Vacation Beach Post I promise!
The last few days.....

Too many all nighters for caught up to him!

Sienna and Noah

Sienna and Lana


Chris, Lana, and Noah

Yes that's right...your not seeing things...that's Conwey put the worm on and took the 2 fish I caught off the hook...but I reeled them in really good! :)
My sister Becca grabbed the camera and I gave her a hard time but I am glad I have the proof now! But ahhhh I got her back...
She caught one too...with Cooper's help

Sienna isn't going to know what to do without her cousins!

Fresh, Hot, gooey donuts..I have always had this thing about donuts...I can't eat them, not because they aren't delicious but because I have always had a metal thing with them because they are so unhealthy...not that I couldn't eat 4 donut holes which equal the same as one donut...but my mind is kinda crazy...anyway they gave us these donuts while we were waiting in line and I took a bite...oh my word...I haven't ever tasted anything so delicious. That was my first time eating a hot out of the oven donut. I have been missing out! YUM!!!! I ate the whole thing!!!

So did Sienna....

Sierra brought some crafts...the kids loved them. Sierra always makes it fun.

I don't know why I love to take picture of Sienna from behind but I just love them!


Sienna was telling Sierra all about it....

Talk about a bubble bath...she couldn't stop giggling.

So Conwey booked a deep sea shark fishing trip for the guys...I can't say I wasn't a little nervous as they left for it, but they got home safe and had a blast.
Yes those are real sharks...

Coop actually dropped the poor thing right after the picture.

Conwey said Jackson was extremely nervous holding it...but I said who wouldn't be!

Cousin Eddie
The week went way to fast...
We were sad the day we had to pack up and come home. Even though it's nice to get home to your house, bed, and life (and new baby nephew)...there's just nothing like the beach.
We loved sharing the week with The Thomas Family. The cousins all got along so well and it was so nice and mellow. We loved that sisters, and nieces could come too. We love spending time with family. I am happy to have Sienna back though..she wouldn't give me the time of day while her cousins were nearby. :)
So till next time...we love OBX!
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