So Jackson is finally in the Double Digits! 10 years old! How does 10 years go by so fast?
Jackson says he got the best ever birthday present this year because we woke up to this...
As for me...well I can't even begin to tell you how done with the snow I am this year. We have had more snow this year than we ever get and I am DONE!
So Jackson chose Dunkin Doughnuts for his b-day breakfast...I am glad they were open!
Sienna kept blowing out his candle..she thought she was pretty dang funny!
So after breakfast and presents Jackson decided he wanted to go off we went.
***BTW bowling is probably one of my least favorite things to do with the kids but it was Jackson's day so I sacrificed! :) It might have something to do with the headache I always have from the smoke smell in there or the fact that I feel like I have to shower and change my clothes to get the smell off of me....someone in Ashburn, Va please please build a smoke free bowling alley!
Hunter and Cooper were fighting as per usual so I decided to follow through with my threat of taking them home.
So it was just Jackson and I...he was a little nervous I think wondering if a movie with his mom would be fun or cool...well he decided it was pretty great when we went to the refreshment stand and he got to pick whatever he wanted...a large slushy...sure's your big day get what ever you want. would be ok going with just mom....
We saw Sherlock Holmes...and while I thought for sure he wouldn't like it, and maybe it was a bit slow for him.... he loved it. Huh guess he is growing up! And it was better than sitting through Alvin and the Chipmunks or The Tooth fairy!
So after picking up Sienna who my good friend Julie offered to watch...we were off to dinner. I know it seems like there is a lot of food in this day! Well that is what makes 10 yr old boys happy I guess!
Jackson chose one of his favorite places to eat The fact that is where he chose last year too.
This is what I get when I ask for a simple smile...guess what Jackson... I am using it! Ha!
Made from my sweet friend Holly for him...he loves Holly's chocolate chip cookies so he got a giant one from her, she also made him his favorite dinner of homemade ribs which he will eat tonight for dinner. I must not give these kids meat enough they devour it when they get it. The other day Jackson begged me to make Taco's with "regular" meat. (ground beef) I was feeling nice and even though it totally grossed me out I made them. They all were in HEAVEN over ground beef!
I don't get it!
He also got these delicious and colorful cupcakes from cute little Julie..who made them with her 4 kids plus Sienna! My kids are very lucky I have such great friends!! :)
So after a lot of eating Jackson climbed in his did I exhausted from the day. Birthday's are a lot of work! Especially when it is on a snow day!
As I lay in my bed thinking about J-man, J-dog, Action Jackson as his coaches all call him I couldn't help but smile. I love that kid! He is one of the sweetest, kindest kids.
So here are my
10 Things I love about Jackson Edward Casillas.....
1. No matter when he gets home or from where he always comes to find me to tell me all about whatever he has been doing.
2. He still gives me the BEST hugs...which I don't get as often from his older brothers...
3. He really really is my best go matter what I ask him to run and get he does it and does it lightning fast!
4. He is the BEST big brother to Sienna...even though she can be extremely frustrating he always tries to find a solution for her meltdown.
5. He really is an amazing little athlete...what ever he does he does it very well. We are in basketball season right now and I LOVE watching him play basketball! He is awesome!
6. He makes his bed every day before school.
7. He has a lot of friends because he is such a good friend.
8. He gets straight A's at school.
9. He adores his big brothers..he might not like me saying that but he does.. he would do anything they asked him to. He wants to be just like them. (good thing they are good kids too!)
10. He is the hardest worker. When he is trying to earn money he will do what ever he has to whether it's raking leaves, cleaning bathrooms, shoveling snow...he will work at it till it's done. I sooooooo appreciate that about him! (seriously you have no idea just how much I appreciate that about him!)
Jackson is just an amazing kid and I don't mean to keep saying that but hey it's his birthday post I am allowed right?!?!
I feel very lucky to have his as my son and in my family. I don't know what I would do without him. I am extremely grateful he is healthy and strong and such a good kid!
I love you Jackson!!!
It looks like a great birthday! I can remember turning 10 and saying all day that I was double digits. How funny how time goes. Anna's birthday is tomorrow and she wants a camera bad. I noticed you got him one...what did you decide on? Sure miss you Jess!
Jackson is a great kid and I remember he was one of the cutest babies I had ever seen. I can't believe all those babies born in Arlington that year are now turning 10! That makes me feel old.
Happy Birthday Jackson!!
Happy Birthday to Jackson. I was wondering how you were enjoying all this snow. It was kind of exciting at first. I'm just ready for it to stop now. I've never been so exhausted as I've been today shoveling. Ughhh! That is some heavy stuff out there.
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