Wow we have been hit with a record breaking snow storm this year not once but three times! Trust me once was school has been cancelled for 7 full school days counting weekends that is 11 days in a row home...need I say more?

That little brown thing...that's my mailbox!

Good thing she has some brothers!
It's amazing what snow can Safeway store down the street...closed because they have too much snow on the roof and the walls are gym...same really makes you realize how dangerous and scary snow can be. I am very grateful we only get this kind of snow once every 20 years or so....I think they said this is the 4th biggest storm in Washington DC history!
Let the digging begin...

And if you can believe it we have only 1 snow shovel...our other one broke in the last storm and of course I don't think about getting a new one till there's another storm and not a shovel left in all of Northern Virginia! I seriously went to about 10 stores looking for one.
But never fear good friends are near!

Not only did Julie bring shovels so we could all shovel together she stayed and helped shovel for hours! She says she needed a much needed break from her house and kiddos...which I believe but still...what a friend!
Now we are having yet another storm today and I am not sure where we will put all this snow!

This was out my front door a few minutes ago....can't see anything out there! CRAZY!
So on another note...just wanted to show a few lovely things that have happened in my house from my wonderful children!

We can start with Sienna's beautiful artwork on her bedroom wall...which by the way wouldn't come all the way off even with the magic eraser!

Now lets go to Jackson...he was having a little temper tantrum and not even sure how he did this to his blinds in his room....isn't that lovely! Not sure how I fix those without having to replace them!

Cooper's bedroom door! Isn't that nice! He and Hunter were fighting through the door apparently!
Now lets move to Hunter...who right now as we speak has no computer privileges until he fixes things he has broken....
First the laundry room light! Yes that's right he punched the wall and broke the light....

Next we have the hole in the wall that he tried to fix....ummm not really gonna cut it Hunter.

And oh you can imagine how very happy I was when I got home to find this on my kitchen pantry door...

Yes he threw a Healy shoe at his brother and the door was in the way.....not sure what it would have done if it actually had hit his brother.
So with all of that I will be busy trying to figure out ways to fix them ( Most likely hiring a handyman cuz that husband of mine...not so handy with these things...)
I do have to throw in though that yesterday we came home and Hunter had cleaned the whole middle floor of my house....he has NO IDEA how much that means to me!! Thanks Hunter! I love you even though you break my house!
Good thing I have this to keep me least 25 times a day we get a new outfit....isn't this one cute!

Oh my gosh! I really can't believe the snow! I was laughing so hard at the art work on the wall. Probably not so funny to you! The story I put on my blog click the word story and it will take you to the blog. Look at the left side and scroll down to February 1st and read the story. She goes through each day and gives all the details. Such a sad thing!
Has all of the destruction occurred while cooped up with a bad case of cabin fever??? I'd be going NUTS stuck inside for sooo long!
It was fun for me to see Julie, that stinker is hard to stay in touch with even with internet. Shoveling with someone has got to be better than shoveling alone right?
I can't get over how much snow there is. It's unbelievable.
PS- well if you were a finger sucker, you turned out pretty darn good so I guess there is hope for Ander :)
PPS- I'm trying to channel thoughts of sunny warm weather your way!!
Ahaha, Jessie your comments about the house damage made me laugh so hard! I know these types of incidents are my future - we've already had a few. And we are not handy, so we end up having to call people for the simplest things. Having said that, I do know that you can pull those wood slats out of the blinds and sand, putty, and paint them. We had to do that to the playroom blinds.
Anyway, can you believe that snow?? I remember we had a crazy storm in 2002 when we were there, but it didn't last as long. Cars were buried, though, and I recall spending a whole morning digging ours out only to find out it wasn't ours. Service project.
Love your house, it's beautiful. And Sienna is to die for.
Oh Jessie! You poor thing! So much snow...crazy trapped damage. Hang in there woman!
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