Wednesday, February 13, 2008

More QT with my Kids!

So yesterday I am in my spin class and everyone starts saying "Did you hear school is letting out an hour early today.." I am like Why? They say oh the snow.....I look out the window and don't see
a single flake...I think I live in the only place in the world that cancels school because we are suppose to get bad weather......
I guess in their defense we did get some bad ice last night.....
And this morning when I got up to check the news thinking we would have a 2 hour delay of school I find out NO SCHOOL!
I feel I have had a lot of quality time with my kids since December....
Hopefully the ice will melt so we can get out of the house today....

This is our driveway...all the shiny stuff is a sheet of ice as well as on the road. I don't know if you can tell from the picture but the tree is all ice. It is actually very pretty if it didn't trap me in the house with FOUR kids.


Love Notes said...

I hear ya sister. We had a lot of in door together time due to the cold weather yesterday. We were craft central here - made sun catchers and did sand art. We already painted today and now the kids are about to beat each other up. I'm out of ideas and now I'm just ignoring them. My throat is sore and I can't yell, so let's hope they just work it out somehow. Um, yeah, that was Shawni's blog I was reading. I actually only met Shawni and Dave a couple of times through Angela, but I knew Saydi, her sister. I love the way Shawni writes so I check out her blog every now and then.... and I was telling Andrew and Elizabeth that they must know everyone, b/c when I was blog hopping the other night, almost every blog had a link to them. Funny! Talk to you soon! I'm really ready for our dinner. What's your schedule like?

Rachael said...

The ice is beautiful. My blood is running pretty thin, I guess. I bundled up for 55 degree weather. I got your car jinx, though, and the green machine is in the shop! Ugh. Alas, I have no Kory, though... Hope all is FAB with you guys!

ej said...

I think the whole, cancel cuz it might snow is pretty funny too. The longer I live here the more I understand why- but it still is about 50/50 that what they predict even happens. I guess they want to use up those snow days one way or another!

ej said...
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Steph Wallin said...

Jessie! Hi!
Your kids are getting so big. They're beautiful. Speaking of beautiful, it was 80 degrees here in AZ on Feb. 13, the same day you took those pictures. There are soooo many times Troy and I miss D.C. (spring and fall), but not right now! But think of me during the 118 degree summers here, closed in my air-conditioned house with my 4 boys and 1 girl. Not even the swimming pool helps then. I'm glad we got your Christmas card, we miss you guys. Troy talks to Matt and Amanda (actually just Matt) about legal stuff every so often, but we REALLY need to get back there. I'm so glad you are friends with my best friend in the whole world, Kory. Aren't she and Mark awesome? BTW, I've had to superglue some serious injuries because I just couldn't face going to another emergency room with one of my boys scooter, bike, skateboard or baseball bat injuries- it works great! ha