Okay I have had some seriously bad luck days lately with my car.
First I am driving along and this guy is motioning me to roll my window down....I immediately think what does he want is he some crazy that will follow me home....I roll my window a crack and he tells me your tire is completely flat. You need to pull over.
So luckily I am near a gas station I pull in and the nice man fills my tire with air but it is coming out. I drive straight to Costco because I am right by it and tell them I need a new tire. They have it in stock...great. Oh but you have to buy all four we can't just do one. Oh how much does that cost....
hmmm that much hu. Well okay let me call Conwey....alright I guess I have no choice.
Then I walk over to Target to kill the 1 1/2 hours it will take. After about an hour they call I think to go get my car but no...they haven't even started. They can't get the tires off...apparently Toyota Sequoia's have a special bolt that is only for the specific car and the tires won't come off without it. They can't find it anywhere. They have searched all over. Hmmm I call Conwey almost in tears...what do I do? So they put air in my tire and I go quickly to Toyota to get the dumb little bolt....30 bucks for that little thing...whatever.
Go back to the place and poor Sienna at this point is completely ready for her nap.
I take her in Costco and give her pizza and soda.
Finally they are done. I write the check and just make it home to the boys off the bus.
Fast forward to yesterday....I am driving along. Get pulled over....great. Oh my registration is expired....oh that is because my dumb check engine light is on and I can't get the emmissions test to get the registration until I figure out the lights. Which who has time to drop their car off for the day while they figure it out??? Plus if I take Sienna's car seat out I will never get it back in...I have to go back to the firestation.
Okay I am at the gym and I tell Kory Brown I have a app. tomorrow at Toyota to get the lights checked out. That will be fun for a couple hours in the dealership with Sienna hu.
She says why would you take it to the dealership they will rip you off. I know a great place just down the street. I will follow you there and then you can see what they say. If they can look at it I can give you a ride home and put Sienna is one of my car seats....ahhhhhh Kory THANK YOU!
So they will look at it right then and then call in an hour...
I say well while you are at it can you do the emmissions and inspection....Sure. Great I am getting it all done at once and I don't have to wait anywhere with Sienna again.
They call and say well we have good news and bad news.
Good news is the lights were just a gas cap thing...so it passed emmissions. Bad news both your front and back breaks are completely gone. Really? I ask. We had them replaced 2 years ago. Yes really....these are such big cars the breaks go fast. How much will it cost???? WOW......GREAT..... I can't seem to catch a break. They say we can get it all done for you today though.
I can't imagine having to go back down there in a few days so I say alright....
It's 6:00 and Cooper has to get to basketball practice. My car is still at the shop...hmmmm I think should I walk him down there? Conwey is at his DC office today and can't get home in time...Cooper says I can call my coach he will give me a lift.
Great....now the car place calls and says it's done. Hmmm how do I go pick it up?
Well my very kind friend Remi comes and gets me and drops me off. Thanks Remi!!!!
Okay I come home fill out the registration online print my temporary receipt and am good to go.
Fast forward to this morning....running a little late to get to my 9:00 gym class. It is always crowded and I am suppose to set up Kory too....I get Sienna out of her seat and look down at my keys. I only have half of them because I hadn't put the car ones back on my key chain from yesterday..ahhh I am late I figure I must have thrown them in my purse...get Sienna out and lock the door, right as I shut it I realize I don't think I have my keys to get back in the car. Oh my gosh I think I am locked out.
Oh well I will deal with it after class...gotta get in there to get a spot and stick Sienna in the child care....
After class I remember oh I have this plastic key thing in my wallet that is suppose to open the door. Well it doesn't.
What? Why would they say it opens the door when it doesn't. False hope.
So Kory (so so so nice) says I can run you home and you can get your spare and then I will bring you back.
(By the way Kory also got up at 5:00 am to take us to the airport a few weeks ago then picked us back up when we came home)
Boy do I ever owe her some serious rides!!!
Thank you Kory!
Cars!!!! UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At least Sienna makes me smile through out it all...................