We took a last minute trip to Park City to go snowboarding for a week. We met our great friends from Australia there The Young Family. The boys had a blast with their Australian buddies...Christian, Harrison, Benson, and Lucky. We feel lucky to have them in our lives and to be able to take these trips every year and meet them in Utah.




But had a few crashes too....

We just happened to be there during the Sundance Film Festival so things were a bit crazy and crowded but still a lot of fun. Conwey swears he saw Kathrine Heigl on the slopes......
We were able to spend time with great friends and family...Andrew and Elizabeth and Amanda and her crew came up the first night we were there at the house we were renting and all the kids had a blast...the adults too.

Carter and Amy Brown brought their crew up to hang out too. We got some great Mexican food and let the kids all play. Casey and Jackson were so happy to be best friends again for the night.

Amy is having her Fifth Baby in March. She looked great!

We spent time with my family. Sienna got to meet her cousins. We always do a lot of singing with my family and thanks Uncle Mark for singing American Pie for me!

Sienna and Isabelle...don't know why Sienna looks so scared of Isabelle....how about those cute fat cheeks on Isabelle! She is the sweetest, most mellow baby!

It is always so fun to be with my family. It is always so full of laughter and happiness. I am grateful for all of them. I always miss my little mom so much when we are all together. She loved her family so much and loved to listen to Mark and his boys sing. We missed my brother Wade and his cute family too. They are in Colorado and couldn't come while we were there. They just had a sweet new baby and named her Macy....here is a picture of her..isn't she cute...

I was able to see my friend Paulette for lunch one day and we figured out it had been 18 years since we have seen each other. It was so fun to see her and catch up!! Forgot to get a picture dang it!
I spent time with my friend Paula and her kids. I forgot my camera though and didn't get any pictures that day either!
On the last day I got to hang out with my good friend Camille and her daughter Britain. It was so fun. I wish we lived closer Camille!

It was a busy and fun week. I wish I could have seen more people. It is hard every time we come to town because I don't get to see everyone I want to see. So for those of you I didn't get to see hopefully we will come again soon!
I have to admit I am so glad to get home though. It is a lot of work to go on these trips with four kids~ I have to tell the stories about our flights.... So on the flight out there we get on the plane and the first hour it is super super bumpy. Everyone is feeling queasy...Sienna projectile vomits without warning and it goes everywhere...I was trying to catch it in my hands...I didn't bring any extra clothes for her with me and the poor thing looks like white trash by the time we get to Utah in her little wife beater tank top....so sad. The two guys sitting by Hunter were quickly looking for another seat after Sienna throws up behind them and then Hunter is looking pale and looking for a throw up bag....flying is so fun!
Then on the way back after waking up at 3:00 in the morning to get to the airport we get on our jet blue flight which is so great for the kids to all have TVs but not so great to have to fly back to California before then flying home to Va. Well no throw up but I had the loveliest lady in front of me complaining about Sienna bumping her seat. I have to say too that Sienna was being so good and it wasn't like she was kicking the seat, we weren't even putting the tray up and down.
Well she complains first to the flight attendant and the attendant apologetically tells me....
Then Sienna bumps her seat again to get down to walk across the isle to see Conwey and the lady flips out at me and starts screaming "Can you please control your child!" I calmly (I think I said it calmly) say I am sorry but she is not even two years old. If it is bothering you that much you could move over (there was a empty seat next to her and in front of her she didn't want to move) please....it isn't like Sienna was sitting there kicking her seat! She then screams more about how irritating it is and then I did give her seat a little kick and called her a few not so nice names under my breath....
So as tears welled up in my eyes and I know it was just because I was so exhausted because stuff like that doesn't usually make me cry....I am thinking this lady is unbelievable. I try to keep Sienna far from her seat but she bumps it once more. The lady huffs and puffs and changes seats with the lady behind me that she knew and then get this....she starts kicking my seat...and throwing the tray up and down. I was in shock that a grown adult would do that. Hunter's first reaction was well that's mature. Exactly Hunter!
I told Conwey and the stare he gave that lady.... well it even made me uncomfortable!
He went up and told the flight attendant and she came and talked to the lady and the kicking stopped. The lady in front of us that knew the mean lady turned around and said she was so sorry....
Did I say yet how badly I HATE flying?
I am so happy to be in my own house, to be able to get back to my classes at the gym....(I know, I know that sounds dumb but I am a creature of habit)
I mean really... isn't that a good sign that I like my life so much I want to be back in it??????
I loved seeing you while you were here and I loved seeing all the pictures from your trip. It was so good to have you here - but I am really DYING over your trip back. I can't believe how rude that woman is. I for sure would have been crying my eyes out.
Anyway, I love you guys and loved seeing you. I know it's a stressful trip, but I hope you'll be out again soon.
Love, Elizabeth
I can't believe your trip. First of all, I laughed when you said that you wished you had seen more people. I was reading your entry thinking "wow, I cannot believe how many people she saw in that short trip". I'm so sorry about your flight. I think that is one of the hardest things with little kids. I had a little 18 month old behind me coming back from Disney last week, that screamed loudly the whole time. I mean, it was irritating, since she was had a high pitch squeal versus a normal scream, but the looks people gave this poor mom. They didn't see how well her other 3 children were behaving - just stared her down. I mean, you are on a plane - what are you going to do? Ughh, I think I probably would have cried. Sounds like that lady is probably just a miserable person. Anyway, this is getting too long - we'll chat some more when we do dinner.
Wow, what an awesome trip- lot's of good looking people hanging out is what it looked like to me- do you even have any average looking fam or friends? :) I am with you on the flying, but I CANNOT believe that lady!!!! Sounds like she was looking for something to be irritated about. I am glad it didn't happen to me because I tend to go balistic on people who do crap like that. Remind me and I will tell you 2 classics. When stuff like that happens I just tell myself over and over that I will never forget what it is like with little ones and no matter my age I will be compassionate!!
It was so good to see you! I can't believe your airplane ride. People can be so rude!! You are right, it is always so good to get home after a trip. Thank goodness for vacations so we can come home and appreciate it. I am so glad you are so happy, you totally deserve it. I loved seeing you, and I am glad you had a good trip.
I can't believe that lady on the plane! I'm SURE I would have started crying, and Sam would have probably hit the woman...and he probably would have been kicked off the plane. What a jerk! I'm impressed you didn't get behind her and start kicking her...I would have been mighty tempted. Or, maybe you could have convinced Sienna to projectile vomit again towards her...it may have even been worth it if it meant getting revenge! I LOVE that Hunter is more mature than a grown adult woman. It just goes to show you're an awesome mom.
Love the pictures of the snowboarding tricks and crashes. We're glad you're back home too and that you enjoy your life. That is a good sign!
I have been wanting to get to Utah that sounds so fun! It looks like you guys had a great time! Do you snowboard too? Your boys look like quite the pros. What a fun trip!
It was great to see you guys! Fun dinner out. And no, Ryan wasn't offended at all. You are so sweet!
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