I feel sick to my stomach when I think about it actually. I don't want her to grow up.
We were driving in the car this morning and she said Mom....I just don't feel 5 years old.
I said well what did you think being 5 years old would feel like and she said just you know...older....bigger. (yep Sienna I still think I am 20 yrs old...I don't feel any older! Ha!) Made me laugh.
So Sienna got to pick her birthday out...we tossed around a lot of ideas for parties....the problem is though is that Sienna has mostly boys as friends so doing a party that Sienna would like would be...well very very girlie.
So she decided instead of a big party she wanted to invite one friend to go with her to the "salon" and get their hair and nails done.
Woot woot....easy peasy!
So the day started off like this...
In the night we decorated...Jackson helped me the whole night....she would have to follow the streamer and balloons....

I am sorry the pictures are a million different colors...some where taken in the night and all were taken with my phone! Ahhhh remind me to use a real camera!

She is soooo into the American Girl Dolls! We went online and she designed this one and named her Kitty...she didn't know she was getting her for her birthday though!

She loved all the accessories too...Clothes...shoes...brushes....

Cooper gave her a trundle bed for them.....

And she got a kit with toothbrushes and braces...

Her Dorthy Doll she wanted from Grandpa Vic...he is just so darn good at picking out her gifts! ;) Hunter gave her "diamond" earrings...and Jackson gave her the movie Beauty and the Beast. All of which she squealed in delight when she opened.

Her requested breakfast...sugar cereal...can you tell my kids never get it....when they ask for it on their birthday morning when they can pick anything in the whole wide world they pick Lucky Charms, Froot Loops and Fruity Pebbles...ha! Easy for me I guess....

Sienna had a whole conversation with her first beloved American Girl Doll Samantha given to her by friend Holly...she told her it was okay to feel a bit jealous but not to worry she would always have a special place in her heart because she was her first...I wish I would have recorded it! She also said it was okay that Kitty had prettier hair! Ha..she's funny.

Off to the salon.....
After we hit Robecks and took Cooper to school a bit late....

She was in heaven...

She looked through all the books and decided on a hairstyle...

And this was it....too bad it only lasted about 2 hours and it all fell out...arggggg!

Her one friend she got to take was Emmilyne...she is a little older than Sienna but Sienna still thinks they are best friends....

Mani Pedi's....ahhhhhh

She is starting to be a pro at this stuff!

Rachie and Hudson came up to spend the special day with her...met us at Red Robin for lunch...and then we spent the evening with more friends Lil Jackson and Holly opening their awesome presents and making smores...non of which I have any pictures of!
Conwey had to leave on a work trip the morning of her birthday so we waited to do family dinner and cake till the next night when he was back. We went to Clyde's with Grandma, Grandpa and Merry...

Conwey's cute mom, sister Merry and Sienna......

Secret conversations with Jackson.....

Birthday Brownie Sundae's....

And back to our house for Cake and Icecreme and the Hansen crew waiting on our doorstep....Sienna wanted a half chocolate, half vanilla cake because she likes chocolate and Coop likes vanilla...not the fanciest cake but it was yummy!

Thanks for the awesome presents Valentine!

My 5 year old....sniff...sniff....
So here are my 10 things I love and adore about Sienna Maureen.....
1. She tells me she loves me at least 10 times a day..usually with a big hug.
2. She loves to sing and knows every song on the radio....
3. She loves to shop, go to the pool, go to the gym, get her toes done, and sneak sips of Diet Coke...ha...she really is a mini me! :)
4. She immitates Ms Swan perfectly...scary I know...but soooo funny!
5. She loves her brothers madly....she is so patient sitting through thousands of their games in her lifetime!
6. She is tough as nails...so tough, but yet soooooo girlie!
7. She thinks her dad walks on water...and he would for her!
8. She sneaks in my bed in the night and snuggles...which usually means her face is pressed up against mine...not the best for sleeping, but I know I will miss it when she doesn't want to snuggle anymore.
9. She turns into a ooey gooey mess around babies...especially Hudson! Loves him to pieces and is a great babysitter!
10. She is the daughter I always dreamed I would have...
I love you sooooooooo much Sienna Maureen Casillas!!!!
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