Sunday, June 5, 2011

This and That

End of the year is always soooooo crazy...we still have all the spring sports going on, plus the summer sports have all the end of the year school activities...we have 2 weeks left of school and I think I am almost as excited as the kids.

Sienna had her preschool graduation last week and I think I cried 10 times....I do it with all the's just so sad to be finishing up and knowing your never going back. She had the best year and loved preschool so much.

This was the dance Sienna said she was going to do when they gave her the diploma...she makes me laugh.

Bestest Friends....they are both sure they will be going to Kindergarten together next year...hard telling them they will be at different schools. :(

Ms. B and Sienna

One of Sienna's cute teachers Justine.....

Coop and Sienna

So then Sienna started swim team for her first year since she just turned 5 yrs old. She was nervous to begin with, but by the time she was done she said she wanted to do it again..right then.

We have been sooooooo happy the pools are open! When we would drive by in the winter Sienna would say "Hi Pool...I miss you! Can't wait to see you again!" so funny. So glad she loves it as much as I do.

Cousins...Sienna and Nicolas.

Sienna and Lil Jackson...hanging out during break at the pool...wouldn't they make a cute couple! Ha! Just kidding....

So while we are finishing Lacrosse which I don't want to brag but it has been sooooo fun watching Jackson play.

Blue #7

That is Jackson on the right (blue) making one of his goals.....

He is such a natural at it I can't believe he hasn't ever played it before. Yesterday he made 3 of the 4 goals that were made. It's so fun. We really enjoy watching him.
Cooper is finishing up baseball...and then will start all-stars...
Hunter is studying for finals, doing pt, and waiting for his surgery..
Sienna is finishing up soccer, and ballet...
We are looking so forward to summer and no real schedules..sleeping in (as much as we can with swim team) staying up late, making smores, and just enjoying hanging out together.

So two more weeks...woot woot! Can't wait.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I love the graduation gowns! So darling. Henry's preschool didn't do anything that special, so I didn't get a chance to cry. :)

Love that Sienna is already on a swim team. Um, Henry is barely mastering putting his face in the water. We're working on it. The outdoor pool options are kind of sad here, I'm jealous of you.