Whenever Coop asks if he can have friends over if Dylan is involved I can't help but say yes....some of his other friends...maybe not as much....
So I was sitting on my bed on March 4th when Coop comes in and I could tell something was wrong....tears in his eyes....he tells me Dylan just called me mom...he was really crying....he said his mom is in the hospital and his dad told him he needed to come say goodbye to her...she was dying.
Well that's all Coop needed to say till I was in tears...as we both sat there on my bed crying asking each other what does a 12 year old boy do without a mom? Coop says who is going to make his lunch, wash his clothes...take care of him? I say.. I don't know.
Coop woke up Monday morning and said Mom I have a missed call from Dylan at 12:30 am...I am afraid his mom might have passed away....I am grateful Cooper is the kind of friend that Dylan feels he can call at 12:30 am to cry about his mom dying....I am grateful Coop is the one everyone is asking if Dylan is doing okay...even the teachers, and I am grateful that Cooper knows the answers because he is that kind of a friend that he asks Dylan.
How do you make sense of it all? I can't....I tell Coop all I know is Dylan is gonna need us...I will pick him up any time and drop him home, he can come over after school, on the weekends, eat dinner with us... any time he wants.
We just got back from her viewing....I am so filled with emotions right now I don't know what to do with them. Thinking about this sweet boy...when everyone goes home and life goes back to normal....only his won't ever go back to the normal he knew. Who is going to tuck him in at night...I am sure his dad is a lovely person and will do the best he can but it's just not his mom.
Since I lost my mom I feel his pain but I was in my 30's... not 12.
This is the picture he posted on his facebook as his profile picture and I cried when I saw it...

This has definitely made Cooper and I have some pretty serious conversations about death. Tonight I said.. wow Coop I am so grateful that we know Dylan will see him mom again...imagine how awful death would be if you really thought you would never see your mom ever again. I know my mom will be waiting for me with open arms one day....
So heartbreaking! I just think it should be against the rules to lose a parent before college, it's just so sad.
So special about Cooper and what a good chance for him to develop empathy and compassion. I guess that is a gift that we wouldn't otherwise get without hardship. Thanks for sharing Jessie.
That makes me so sad! What a hard thing to comprehend at 12. He is so lucky to have such a great friend like Cooper to help him through this tough time!
Okay, I did not expect to read this post and start crying all over the place, I'm a mess!
I am so grateful that Cooper can be there for his friend, and that your family can be there for him as well. My heart goes out to Dylan and his family.
My mom died when my little brother was 11. I don't really know how life goes on, but somehow it does. I will tell you though that his friends became an extension of his family and are still to this day just like brothers to him. Tell Cooper to continue to just be there and to be a good friend. So Sad!
How sad, Jesse! I can't imagine what he must be going through. He is lucky to have a friend like Cooper.
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