So today was Conwey's Birthday. It was a crazy day full of basketball games...probably just how he loves spending his day, which was probably good since I was feeling a bit yucky...
We made him breakfast in bed, gave him his presents, and then he was out the door...
Sienna was excited to bake him a cake with blue frosting because that is the color of his basketball team he coaches...(the Tar Heels) We all went to dinner at one of his latest favorite restaurants The Dock...then we all watched a movie together.
So just wanted to do my 10 things I love about Conwey before his birthday is officially over...and it is 11:59 p.m. right now!
1. He loves his kids and family more than anything in the world....I love how much he loves his family...his dad...they have a special relationship...neither of them talk too much but they understand each other (because they are sooooo much a like) it's very sweet.
2. He is a great provider.
3. He is an awesome coach...parents and kids just adore him. (with a undefeated team so far!)
4. He is an Amazing Sunday school fight to get in his class...some sneak in and have to be escorted out.
5. He is very passionate about sports...
6. If Conwey is your friend he will do anything for you. He will give you the shirt off his back.
7. He makes THE BEST guacamole in the world.
8. When Conwey starts laughing you can't help but laugh..and when he and his brother Nico start laughing (especially in movies) it just makes you laugh. (even if it is the dumbest movie ever!)
9. Conwey is very quiet (I know so opposite of me right...guess opposites did attract) unless he is comfortable with friends or family and then he gets on a roll and has everyone laughing...
10. 20 years ago I met a guy named Conwey (weird to think I was only 3 yrs older than Hunter is now when I met him!)...I hadn't ever heard of anyone named Conwey..(except Conway twitty) something about him intrigued me...he wasn't like all the other guys...little quiet, kinda kept to himself...beautiful blue athlete...had amazing legs...(first time I met him he was getting ready to go for a run) The first time I had a chance to really talk to him we talked all night long...(who knew Conwey could talk all night long??) ended up being my best friend the rest is history...20 years and 4 kids later...
Happy Birthday Conwey!
**So we have very few pictures together...I am always the one taking the pictures...but we got this one last summer at a beach wedding we went to...It was a great time with good memories so I like it...