While we were on the way to dinner Conwey asked everyone to name 5 things they are Thankful for...Coop made me a bit teary when one of his was how thankful he was for me and everything I do for the family...they do appreciate it! Woo Hoo!
I'm gonna do a quick few things I am grateful for...No particular order..and nothing too serious because we all know the true things we are truly grateful for.
Wonderful Friends
A Home
My Comfy Bed
Trader Joe's
A new Nephew
My Gym..and all my friends there and my awesome instructors
My MacBook (Chris if your reading this...best gift I ever got!)
Apples and Peanut butter :)
A garage
Conwey's sister Jayne and her family stayed with us for the weekend and Sienna was in HEAVEN having her cousins all weekend long.
Jayne and I got a morning of shopping in at Luckette's..which is the coolest antique store ever, and we hit the outlets for a bit too. We love having them here.
Then later that day we went to get our Tree and I am sure I have written every single year about how Conwey is the only one that wants to go cut the tree down...this year it was a bit chilly out so we all decided we would find a tree super quick and get outta there fast. We pulled up and actually saw the perfect tree! We said that's the one...and Conwey said hmmmm lets look around...to which he got a lot of moans...but he soon realized it really was the one and we weren't pulling one over on him.
Sienna thought this one would be perfect!Jackson pulled, dragged Sienna around and for some crazy reason she loved it.....
So was getting pushed back down every time I tried to stand up...Conwey thinks he's so funny...Ha! And to make it worse they took pictures!