So first I wanted to show you how I find Jackson's room every single morning before he leaves for school...
Hunter's team also had a great year but lost the Championship game. :(
Jackson's team....well they were the loosing team that all the other teams loved playing.
And you would think baseball would be over..but no....he's now on the all star team....practices every through July. Sigh. He sure loves it though.
So with today being THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL we aren't excited at all around here..:) we have a tradition of going to Baskin Robbins and getting some ice cream.
Today I saw they had pink bubblegum ice cream which was my favorite as a kid (that and mint chocolate chip) I was temped to get it for old times sake but I used will power. Actually I think I have gotten it as an adult and it's just not the take a bite and then have to chew the gum, but then you want another bite..but your still chewing the gum. Oh well I will just have to remember how great it was as a kid.
Sienna and Jackson love this tradition though...I mean who wouldn't right?
Sorry my picture quality is so bad these are taken off my phone....

Happy Summer Everyone!
The last day of school is so magical, I loved it as a kid and I love it as a parent.
My husband continues to relive his youth every summer and still orders the pink bubble gum ice cream. It's disgusting because he spits the gum into a separate container and eats it all together after the ice cream is gone...sick.
Hooray for Cooper's baseball team!
I love the positive reinforcement with the bed making. It works better than any amount of nagging could do right? Clever mom you.
I used to love bubble gum ice cream too, two treats in one!
This morning I was telling Brooke that I have only one child who I can count on to make their bed and actually finish a job that I assign.
She told me to look at your latest post and I love the fact that you rewarded your little guy so well.
I loved the bubble gum ice cream too when I was little. Of course, the gum was always rock hard and gross, so as an adult I am still trying to figure out why it appealed to me so much.
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