I don't even know where to begin I feel so behind on this blog! I keep putting it off because I am so backed up. So I have to start somewhere right.
So I will post a few first day of school pictures...mostly just for myself to remember because this is a weird feeling...I have one in High School, one in Middle School, one in Elementary School and one in preschool! Ahhhh....although Sienna doesn't start till next week. I am actually feeling sad about it. Weird I know because I will have a couple of hours to myself, I think I am just gonna really miss her. I think when it's your 4th child and your last you just know how fast it goes....

First day of school breakfast (don't get too use to this Jackson...cold cereal tomorrow!) :)

Jackson first day of Fourth Grade....9 yrs old.

Almost missed the bus on the first day! Ahhh...it's hard getting three off at different times!

Cooper first day of 6th grade...12 yrs old.

He is saying Mom your not seriously following me to the bus stop are you....Oh no Coop...just going to the next mailbox....

I some how made it all the way to the bus stop and he didn't even notice I was taking pictures once he got there. I am so sneaky!

My Cooper is growing up! Sad...

Hunter's first day of 9th grade...High School! How in the world do I have a son going to High School? Really... I swear I was just there myself!!!
There are no pictures of him going to the bus stop because well he missed the bus! I still love him though even though he made me late for spin class!

Sienna didn't want to be left out...she too wanted me to take her picture on the first day of the boys school she said....Sienna 3 yrs old.....

Home again! It's funny how much I miss them after spending all summer with them. I always feel sad about school. I hate that they are out in the fresh air everyday, exercising...swimming, riding their bikes, playing with friends, and then they go to school and have to sit at a desk all day long...with what a whole 15 minutes of recess...
Well so far we are off to a great start. Everyone loves school. I am knocking on wood!
1 comment:
Your boys look so handsome and grown up. I feel the same way you do...I love summer. Our first freeze is coming tonight. It was 80 today...55 tomorrow as a high. Yuck!
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