So Sienna likes to sleep in our bed. She has never been a big fan of her crib or her toddler bed. I think because she's my last I have slipped a bit and let her sleep with us. It has been driving Conwey crazy for some time now. See Sienna likes to sleep sideways...and she likes to have her cute little face right next to mine. I mean RIGHT next to in touching my face. I end up on the very edge of the edge of the bed. Doesn't really make for a good night sleep...
So I thought about it and realized maybe it was the uncomfortableness of her firm little crib mattress. (I am hoping that is it)
So this last week Sienna got her BIG GIRL BED! Woo Hoo for Sienna!
She LOVES it! I'm so happy!
We actually all think its a pretty comfy bed....but especially Jackson who is still in a twin bed and the only one with a twin...he thinks it's time for me to now get him a big comfy bed too...
I will get to work on that Jackson....right after I finish the half bath project I started that has been a nightmare! Total Nightmare!
I knew it would be bad....I have waited 3 yrs to start it because I knew it would be so bad...but I didn't know how bad. It was BAD!
I really really do not know why people use wallpaper. I know it's coming back but please learn from my experience and don't do it because even if you like it right now you will eventually get sick of recommendation....HIRE someone to take it down for you!
And just a little shout out to my great friend Julie who showed up on my doorstep not once but twice to help me! You know you have a good friend when they show up on a Friday night even when I told her I could do it alone, and then she gets a babysitter to come and help me paint! Thanks Julie your the best! I owe you big time!
So I still have to hang the towel bar up but man oh man am I glad to be rid of that nasty striped wallpaper!
It was a great learning experience for me and I hope to NEVER EVER have to do it again~
Congratulations on both the big girl bed and the end of the wallpaper. Right after I read one of your facebook updates about the horrors of stripping wallpaper I got an email from my youngest sister with a picture of wallpaper she had just hung in her bedroom and had a good little laugh to myself.
We recently transitioned Mylie from her toddler bed to a twin bed and I had a strange feeling of both sadness and relief that I am beyond the stage of high chairs, strollers, cribs, diapers, etc.
You sure found Sienna a cute bed and cute bedding!
Congrats on being done with that wallpaper. What a mess! I love the new bathroom.
Sienna's new bed looks dreamy. I'll bet even Amanda wouldn't turn down a chance to sleep in that bed. We'll have to make another trip back to find out.
I hope you guys are doing well. Say hi to Conwey and your kids for me. I miss you guys.
How beautiful is her bed! I read your post on facebook about her starting school. Who would have thought it would get harder for us the more kids we have?
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