So Jackson has been eating me out of the house lately. He is totally on a growth spurt. He has been loving scrambled eggs lately. I don't know if you all know this but I hate eggs! The smell...everything. So I rarely make them. I have to hold my nose. So Jackson who is 9 has been asking for them a ton lately, decided the only way he would get them was if he makes them himself. Well I have to say he has gotten pretty darn good at making them! (He can only make them when I am home of course...which doesn't really help the smell....oh well) he also knows he has to clean the pan after. Is there a pan out there worse to clean than a scrambled egg pan? Not to me.

This is Jackson saying to me...Oh no your not putting this on your blog!! Well Yes Jackson... Yes I am! Thanks for the idea!

Can't have eggs without pouring a half a bottle of ketchup on them! And I love that he uses a paper plate!
And I also have to say....I am loving the ages of my kids right now. Sienna is so content just playing with her little princess figurines. She will play for hours with them all by herself...quietly! Such a difference from when the boys were her age.
Caught her this morning...right out of bed....just playing by herself. Love it!

I know he was just telling you you'd better not blog him making eggs, but it's the closest thing to a smile I've seen in so long- he is such a handsome kid...
Oh they are growing up! Jackson cooking for himself! My Owen has been eating me out of house and home lately. I know how you feel. I think his eggs look yummy. Sienna is precious with her princesses. Enjoy! By the way, I miss you!
Ohohoho, Jessie, you are making me so jealous with Sienna. Playing by herself??? I can't get Henry to be by himself for 5 minutes.
And I totally agree with you on the nothing-worse-than-cleaning-a-scrambled-egg pan. So gross. I wish they had disposable pans for that activity. :)
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