It started on Friday with a fun little cupcake party with her great friends Nicky and Royal, Jackson, Mathew, Micheal, and William, and of course her great aunt Rach.
She had loads of fun and the thing I love most about this age is she is so excited to open her presents it could be a chap stick or a pink bike and she gets just as excited for either one. She squealed in delight at every gift.
My sweet friend Carmen made these cute cookies for her...a whole container of them!
Should I worry that most of her friends are boys???
So look at your own risk....I know she looks possessed...but Sienna still liked her. That's all that matters!
It was like Christmas....waiting on the mom could get the camera ready.
She really loved all her presents...her Belle collection from Grandpa Vic was a hit, and the make-up and jewelry from her cousins Morgan and Macy she LOVED! Thanks guys!
All her brothers bought her presents with their own money....Hunter got her a new doll (since he decided to break her old on apart with a bat last week...) Coop got her a princess purse, and Jackson got her a Ariel ball, 2 bracelets, and some lip gloss....she was very grateful!
She loved her new bike and she loves her dad.....and he likes her too...just a little bit...
So then she got to pick what to do next and she wanted to go in the jog stroller and run to Robecks to get a smoothie...then over to Dunkin Doughnuts for a doughnut. So we got on our running stuff and went on a little birthday run.
It was a gorgeous day out and the perfect day for a birthday.
So we raced home and got stuff ready for her birthday b-que with Conwey's family.
She was in her glory all night...
Conwey's cute little pregnant sister Summer...due in 2 months and look how great she looks!
Great kick off to the summer and tomorrow we are heading to Kings Dominion...should be good times!
As I was laying next to Sienna watching her sleep ( I do it a lot) I think because she is my baby and I just feel so incredibly blessed to have her in my life. That she is healthy...that all my kids are healthy for that matter. It is amazing to me.
I watch her sleeping...always blown away at the love I feel inside for her.
She is growing up and it makes me so sad. But I do love the age she is right now. It is just so much fun. She really is my best little friend, we hang out all day everyday and I rarely get sick of her.. :)
So here are my 10 things I love about Sienna Maureen.....
1. She laughs all the time
2. She sings all the time
3. She loves doing the same things as me
4. She loves shoes, clothes, make-up, accessories...if it's girlie she loves it!
5. She is super tender hearted
6. She scratches my back almost every night...I am really trying to train her!
7. She ADORES her brothers and her dad. She lights up when they walk in.
8. She is finally potty trained! Yahoo!
9. She is ALWAYS so happy to see me even if I was just upstairs for a little bit.
10. She still loves to snuggle with me!
So I hope we stay best friends forever!
I love you Sienna Maureen Casillas!!!
wish we could have been there. i have some presents to send. tell her lana and noah wish her happy birthday.
She is such a doll! They grow up so fast as you know. Can you believe we have 9th graders next year? I loved the cake! I am impressed you did that!
That was such a fun and sweet post. They do grow up too fast even though she is turning into such a sweet little girl. It looks like you went through a lot for the party- I really do think the cake turned out great- you got skills like Napolean, lol. Happy Birthday Sienna!
She is just precious! Enjoy every little girl is nine. I remember all the princess fun. I think I saw Sienna in three different princess hats for her birthday. So cute. The cake looked like a huge undertaking! Good for you for making it. She is blessed to have you for her Mom!
Oh, Jessie that was so fun to read. Sienna is so cute! I didn't realize she and Henry were so close in age - he turns 3 June 16. Maybe they can date in college! :)
Loved the Ariel cake. I love that you even try! I'm so scared of stuff like that. My biggest attempt so far at a great cake has been to make a round one and plop a figure on top. I'm keeping the bar low.
Love all her presents and the look on her face. It's so sweet. And I loved your list. Makes me wish I had a girl...
what a fun celebration for your sweet little girl. My favorite part is the "she loves her new bike and her dad likes her too... just a little bit" I SO know what that means. Isn't it great to have a girl?!? Happy birthday to Sienna
What a little sweetheart. Isn't it so great to watch these older siblings just love these little sisters? I love it. Loved the cake too...and the "Christmas morning" camera ready-ing. Glad to hear all's well in your neck of the woods.
Love, Shawni
Looks like Sienna's birthday was a great and fun-filled day! We can't believe she is 3 already! She is a doll! I'm glad she liked the girlie stuff. Sorry for the make-up, I know it will be messy, but I figured it was payback time! :-) love you all and miss you!!
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