Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Is it a girl thing?

Every single time I turn around Sienna has completely taken every stitch of clothing off!
I don't remember my boys ever doing this. The other day the missionaries were picking up some food and out runs Sienna... nothing on.... they weren't sure what to think....plus it was freezing outside.
I am hoping this is just a stage....do all girls go through this or just mine?

I think she has also started the terrible two's....let's hope it ends before she turns three. (May 23rd)
Okay I know that is wishful thinking! I love her to death and she can be the sweetest, funniest, little thing, but oh my goodness the drama and meltdowns that have been coming out of her lately.... Sheesh!
Some nights I fall into my bed completely exhausted from just her! 
I am sure this is nothing compared to the teenage years. Oh my! Calgon take me away!!! 
(remember those commercials?)


Jayne said...
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Jayne said...

they just get bigger and better. but, she sure is cute! last night noah said he missed sienna.

Margaret Kay said...

Jessie, do you remember Dad talking about Holly - never wore any clothes.

Funnier story, the other day Dad was telling on you. Apparently you took your underwear off unbeknownst to anyone. So, in church - up on the stand - sitting on your Dad's lap with your legs straddled there you were. Funny image huh! Your mom was at the back of the church desperately trying to get your Dad's attention. Looks like you turned out great - lol - Sienna will definitely outgrow that. She's so beautiful.

Vicki said...

She is so cute!!!