This morning as I watched Cooper and Jackson get on the bus together and head off to school I got this overwhelming sad feeling.
My kids are growing up and there's nothing I can do about it.
Ever since Jackson and Cooper have been in Kindergarten they have had a brother with them at school.
Next year none of them will have each other at the same school.
Hunter will be in his first year of High is that possible?? Wasn't I just in High School? Cooper will be in his first year of Middle School....Jackson at the Elementary...and Sienna in Pre-school.
How can I freeze time? If I could freeze it, I would right now. I love all their ages....
I don't want any of them to get any bigger!
Sienna Feb 09
Cooper Feb 25 09
Love him...he's such a good kid!
Hopefully I will remember this feeling I am having this morning tonight when I am counting the minutes till they get in bed!
I am totally with you on freezing time. I love where all my kids are right now! I just registered Kiley for freshman year. It is so weird. I am really sad how fast time goes!
Time marches on, it's true. In fact, speaking of time, I hope your birthday was wonderful - We are always a day (days - or maybe it should be DAZE) late . . . but we love you and your wonderful family so very much. It's so nice to see these photos of the kids. Just wait till you have grandchildren.
I feel the same way, Jessie! I've been very sentimental since having Max. I've been thinking of each of my kids and how they started out so small and helpless, just like him. Look at them now! They do grow so fast and you are right--there is no stopping it! Looking at old photos has always been hard for me, too. Those days can never be brought back.
Anyway, count me in on your birthday celebration!
I so agree, Jessie. Why in the world does time have to fly by so fast!!
I just wanted to thank you so much for your sweet words on my blog. It feels so good to have so much support. We feel so blessed.
Glad to see you guys are doing well, aside from time slipping away. Our friends are moving there...Jeff & Annie Greene. I can't remember exactly where...I'll let you know. They are awesome.
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