Sunday, February 15, 2009


Some girls get jewelry, some flowers, some chocolates....
I walked downstairs yesterday and this is what I saw. Yes your eyes are not misleading you....I got a new toilet seat. I had a good laugh though.
See I have been bugging Conwey to replace the toilet seat because the old one somehow got a crack in it...(no pun intended) and you know I will take what I can get...if its for Valentines Day...well at least it's done. I did love the candies and magazine with it...the balloon starts singing every time it gets bumped and I am about to go pop it if I hear the song "How sweet it is to be loved by you" one more stinkin time!

And to Conweys defense I am not the biggest lover of Valentines Day. I find it a bit cheesy.
I do love giving my kids Valentines on their beds every year, but I don't need a day for Conwey to tell me he loves me. Everyday is Valentines Day in my house! (and for those of you not sure, that is a joke...)

And to top of my Valentines Day weekend...Hunter came home from Basketball practice with this...

This picture really doesn't even show how bad it is though. It blew up like a balloon.
Poor kid. He was so sad because he felt it was his fault for not tying his shoes tighter. He will miss a few games and that is a good lesson for him I guess. Tie your shoes!


Margaret Kay said...

Very funny post today Jessie. I'm so sorry about Hunter though. Give him a hug from us.

Hannah said...

Nothing says "I love you" like a toilet seat! How funny.

ej said...

Ha ha ha, that reminds me of the time my dad put the plug for the water in the water tank of the toilet in my stocking. I was like, huh? The lesson on how to fix the toilet was just an added bonus...The crack pun actually made me snort btw. And our husbands are good with the magazines :) Generally I agree about V-day, I don't need a big ta-doo to show me what I already know...

Paula said...

Hilarious! The point is to be remembered though...I love the toilet seat. I love it when things get done around here. It is a perfect gift!

Shawni said...

I love the toilet seat! What a great gift! ha ha.

That poor ankle! Is it broken? That looks like it hurts!

Nichole Barney said...

Okay that is pretty clever and cute! To me it is the thought that counts and I give that one a 10. Love it! Poor Hunter that looks painful!

Chelsea said...

That is 100% the best Valentine's gift ever. Fabulous!

Haley said...

I love your blog- I look at it often, I just never comment. Sorry I was so tired last night and ditched. I was asleep by 9:45. I'm still tired. ahh, life