Thursday, January 24, 2008

Park City, Utah Vacation

Well it has been hard to not be near my computer to blog for the last I addicted?
We took a last minute trip to Park City to go snowboarding for a week. We met our great friends from Australia there The Young Family. The boys had a blast with their Australian buddies...Christian, Harrison, Benson, and Lucky. We feel lucky to have them in our lives and to be able to take these trips every year and meet them in Utah.

They went snowboarding every day except Sunday and had a blast. They got pretty good at their tricks....





But had a few crashes too....

We just happened to be there during the Sundance Film Festival so things were a bit crazy and crowded but still a lot of fun. Conwey swears he saw Kathrine Heigl on the slopes......

We were able to spend time with great friends and family...Andrew and Elizabeth and Amanda and her crew came up the first night we were there at the house we were renting and all the kids had a blast...the adults too.

Sienna reconnected with her Aunt Becca (my sister)....she warmed up very quickly and then kept asking for Becca the whole trip. (Becca knew the trick...just feed her full of sugar!)

We got to celebrate Elizabeth and Conwey's birthdays just like the good old great to see Macy and Ryan Bell too!

Carter and Amy Brown brought their crew up to hang out too. We got some great Mexican food and let the kids all play. Casey and Jackson were so happy to be best friends again for the night.

Amy is having her Fifth Baby in March. She looked great!

We spent time with my family. Sienna got to meet her cousins. We always do a lot of singing with my family and thanks Uncle Mark for singing American Pie for me!

Father and one of the sons....We missed you though Ryan...
My cute grandpa...and grandma below
My brother Jeremy and niece Isabelle

Sienna and Isabelle...don't know why Sienna looks so scared of about those cute fat cheeks on Isabelle! She is the sweetest, most mellow baby!

My sweet aunt Colleen who is bravely battling breast cancer right now. She just started Chemo and we pray for her everyday!
My sister Holly and Sienna (Holly is Isabelle's mom)

Can this really be my son? He is getting way too big!
Conwey really does love my family but snowboarding wore him out.....this is him at my uncles house.
It is always so fun to be with my family. It is always so full of laughter and happiness. I am grateful for all of them. I always miss my little mom so much when we are all together. She loved her family so much and loved to listen to Mark and his boys sing. We missed my brother Wade and his cute family too. They are in Colorado and couldn't come while we were there. They just had a sweet new baby and named her is a picture of her..isn't she cute...

I was able to see my friend Paulette for lunch one day and we figured out it had been 18 years since we have seen each other. It was so fun to see her and catch up!! Forgot to get a picture dang it!

I spent time with my friend Paula and her kids. I forgot my camera though and didn't get any pictures that day either!

On the last day I got to hang out with my good friend Camille and her daughter Britain. It was so fun. I wish we lived closer Camille!

It was a busy and fun week. I wish I could have seen more people. It is hard every time we come to town because I don't get to see everyone I want to see. So for those of you I didn't get to see hopefully we will come again soon!

I have to admit I am so glad to get home though. It is a lot of work to go on these trips with four kids~ I have to tell the stories about our flights.... So on the flight out there we get on the plane and the first hour it is super super bumpy. Everyone is feeling queasy...Sienna projectile vomits without warning and it goes everywhere...I was trying to catch it in my hands...I didn't bring any extra clothes for her with me and the poor thing looks like white trash by the time we get to Utah in her little wife beater tank sad. The two guys sitting by Hunter were quickly looking for another seat after Sienna throws up behind them and then Hunter is looking pale and looking for a throw up bag....flying is so fun!
Then on the way back after waking up at 3:00 in the morning to get to the airport we get on our jet blue flight which is so great for the kids to all have TVs but not so great to have to fly back to California before then flying home to Va. Well no throw up but I had the loveliest lady in front of me complaining about Sienna bumping her seat. I have to say too that Sienna was being so good and it wasn't like she was kicking the seat, we weren't even putting the tray up and down.
Well she complains first to the flight attendant and the attendant apologetically tells me....
Then Sienna bumps her seat again to get down to walk across the isle to see Conwey and the lady flips out at me and starts screaming "Can you please control your child!" I calmly (I think I said it calmly) say I am sorry but she is not even two years old. If it is bothering you that much you could move over (there was a empty seat next to her and in front of her she didn't want to move) isn't like Sienna was sitting there kicking her seat! She then screams more about how irritating it is and then I did give her seat a little kick and called her a few not so nice names under my breath....
So as tears welled up in my eyes and I know it was just because I was so exhausted because stuff like that doesn't usually make me cry....I am thinking this lady is unbelievable. I try to keep Sienna far from her seat but she bumps it once more. The lady huffs and puffs and changes seats with the lady behind me that she knew and then get this....she starts kicking my seat...and throwing the tray up and down. I was in shock that a grown adult would do that. Hunter's first reaction was well that's mature. Exactly Hunter!
I told Conwey and the stare he gave that lady.... well it even made me uncomfortable!
He went up and told the flight attendant and she came and talked to the lady and the kicking stopped. The lady in front of us that knew the mean lady turned around and said she was so sorry....
Did I say yet how badly I HATE flying?
I am so happy to be in my own house, to be able to get back to my classes at the gym....(I know, I know that sounds dumb but I am a creature of habit)
I mean really... isn't that a good sign that I like my life so much I want to be back in it??????

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Monday, January 7, 2008

Hunter's Dinner

Last night Hunter had a assignment from his home ec class at school. His homework was to plan a menu, go shopping for the food, prepare the food, set the table, and clean up after. 
Can I just tell you how much I love this teacher!
While the other boys teacher's assign projects that quite honestly I wonder who it is more work for the kids or the parents....I do not like those projects... I tell my kids I already went to 4th grade!
Anyway Hunter made a wonderful meal last night for everyone. Conwey took him shopping for everything on Sat. night so I really didn't have to do anything. What a nice treat.
He made cheeseburgers (of coarse he says he will make a really good salad for me since I don't eat the cheeseburgers.) Now my little Cooper is following in my footsteps and I didn't do a thing to him I swear. He won't eat meat. They boys all tease him he is a vegetarian he doesn't's kind of funny.
Anyway so the food was made, table set, and we all had a wonderful meal. He even made us dessert! Delicious! 
I wish I would have taken a picture. Thank you Hunter!
I asked him if we can do this more often and he looked at me with a very tired look and said this is a lot of work mom. (Don't I know it Hunter!)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas Morning

Christmas Morning at our house....
Well Christmas was a success. I am always amazed at how fast it is all over. You work so hard all month, the hours spent shopping, and decorating, and baking...etc...
Then in about 1 hour it is all over.

Here they Come.....

They were very excited with the new Wii....even I think it's fun.

Hunter was shocked and thrilled with his new cell phone. He didn't think he would be getting one for a while. I'm shocked I was able to keep it a secret!

And his new Camera that goes on top of his PSP....he and his friends love to make movies for U-tube. It's a whole new generation isn't it!

Cooper loved all his Boston Red Sox stuff. He is their #1 Fan! Especially his Red Sox Chair for his bedroom.

Jackson...he wanted a bike. Which he got but I think he was more excited with his Redskins watch, calendar, and sweatshirt. He is always hard for me because he is only 7 but with his brother's around he has grown up a lot faster.

I didn't think Sienna would get the whole present thing but she really did. She loved the whole morning. As you can see....

Conwey was so happy Sienna liked his baseball bat he got her. I asked him why a baseball bat...I mean really... can't he just let me have my girl!

Conwey was happy with his presents and you know how I know how. He actually opened the boxes and took them out. I was so happy, he is hard to buy for. He loved his new GPS system and I am not sure who was more excited about his I-pod touch...Conwey or Hunter. (It has been in Hunter's little hands since Christmas morning)

I was happy with my new camcorder...that I was looking forward to putting a clip or two on this blog with it, but unfortunately it isn't compatible with our Mac computer so we have to take it back and get a different one. Hopefully you'll get some clips soon.
I also loved my gifts from Tiffany's. Good work Conwey.

Then I made my usual monkey bread that I make every Christmas morning. I also made real bacon and of course my soy bacon..happy to say my kids ate more of the soy bacon then the real stuff.
We lounged around in our PJ's for most of the day. I love Christmas morning, everyone is so content and busy with their new stuff. We all took turns playing the Wii. Then around 4:00 we got dressed and had all of Conwey's family over to exchange gifts, this really takes about 3 1/2 hours to do. We have to take a little intermission and get some snacks during it. I have to say everyone is always so thoughtful in their gift giving. My camera ran out of battery so we only got a couple of pictures of the crew. We actually brought all our living room furniture in's such a big group! I love all of them!

I love Christmas! It is so fun to be with family and good friends. I love getting all of your Christmas cards in the mail. I love all the nice goodies we got, and thoughtful little gifts you all gave us. Thank you!
The one thing we didn't make it out to do this year was go and see the Temple lights. I am so sad about that. The month is so crazy and with the traffic getting out there it is tricky, next year it is going on the top of my priority list.
Merry Christmas!