Summer is it always does. Hard to believe it's half over.
Makes me sad.
Can't believe The Fourth of July has come and gone...
We had a good one. It didn't feel like the Fourth to me this year for some reason.
We went to my friend Lisa's for a B-que and I kid you not there were about 50 kids running around her coldasac. My kids actually said it was the best Fourth they have ever had. Basketball and Lacrosse games going all night. Fireworks galore.

Then we headed back to our house for some more fireworks...Conwey and his brother like to get some um how should I say...really big fireworks. I use to fight Conwey on all the money he would spend on fireworks...I gave up on that years ago. He loves to buy fireworks. The kids love it to and so do all their friends.
Here was one of them...
So as Summer is flying by we are staying busy with swim team, Coop and Jackson both on aau basketball teams...which consist of lots and lots of games and practices...Lacrosse camp, basketball camp, lots of sleepovers at our house, golf, lots of physical therapy, and lots of wonderful pool time with wonderful friends.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love summer time? :)