Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sienna's Photography...

Sienna is constantly taking pictures lately..whenever I upload pictures I find all kinds of Sienna's little pictures... so here is some of Sienna world....

Gotta keep it real on this blog...and well this summer this is how Sienna's room has been....she's been very messy...

You may notice a theme with of her shoes....the girl loves her shoes!


Chelsea said...

I love those pink loafers!! Jessie, she is so cute. And I love those pictures of you. My kids take pictures of me sometimes too, but I would never post them because I look so haggard! You, on the other hand, ... hottie. :)

PS - that is not a messy room.

ej said...

I love her love of shoes. I mean, what else is there to take pictures of?! SO CUTE!