I can't help but feel very sad about Sienna turning four yrs old. I keep telling her to please stop growing up and she just laughs, but I keep telling her I am really serious....I say Sienna I don't want you to grow up and leave me...she says Mom...it's just kindergarten! Oh she makes me laugh. If only it were just kindergarten...before I know it she will be in High School like another kid I know.
Sienna has been talking about her big day now for months and months....She kept telling everyone she was going to the beach for her birthday and they were invited. I am not sure where she got this idea....but I started thinking....since we weren't going to the beach for her b-day...we will try and bring a little beach to Sienna for her family party.
I watched the weather all week with looming thunderstorms for her big day....not sure how a beach party inside would work out.
We woke up to pouring rain...I wanted to cry. It continued to rain all day long...and then at about 3:00 it stopped. Do I dare set up outside? Well yes I think I was going to live on the edge and do it. Although we didn't do the sand and pools we were going to I think it was okay and still seemed beachy to Sienna...
This was the night before her birthday...I told her I needed a picture of her on her last day of being three....as the tears started to flow.... :(
And I don't know if you remember last year and the Ariel cake I tried so hard to make...and how badly it looked possessed. Well this year I decided to let Wegman's make the cake! :) I let Sienna go through the book and pick any cake she wanted...this is what she chose. Works for me!
And the Princess and the Frog movie she got from Grandpa Vic....
Here is the pinata she chose...pretty cute if I do say so myself.
He is the big 10! Happy Birthday Hen!
and for some reason I don't have very many pictures of everyone that came. Sorry guys...we love you though and are happy you all came!
Oh wait let me just take a break to put on some lipgloss...ok then back to presents....
I feel so lucky to have Sienna in my life.
So here are my
10 Things I LOVE about Sienna Maureen Casillas
1. She makes me laugh a lot every single day.
2. She gets SUPER silly around her brothers.
3. She is a mini me.. I love how she loves all the same things that I do...it's so fun!
4. She loves her shoes, clothes, and make-up.
5. I can always get her to stop crying or having a temper tantrum by picking her up and giving her a hug.
6. She loves to sing and knows words to songs on the radio I had no idea she even had ever heard.
7. She still loves to snuggle....
8. She loves to go to "the salon" as she calls it.
9. She is a trooper about getting dragged along from game to game to game...every night of the week.
10. She loves her family so much...her dad, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, she loves her friends that she feels are her family so much too.
So 3 went way to fast! Here's hoping 4 slows down a bit. I can't handle her growing up so fast!
She is a little doll! Looks like a fun celebration!
I can't believe Sienna is 4 already. I know we are going to say it each year but it really seems like our girls were just baby's. And now Sienna pauses to apply lip gloss in between gifts! I'm glad you have a daughter, in all those boys (as great as they are) it's really nice to have a girl.
She is SO cute! I love how she is a mini-you too!. Happy Birthday Sienna! Kamdyn misses you...
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