But today we are suppose to be having a blizzard...they are calling for 22 inches....22 INCHES!
We may be snowed in for a while.....I went to the store and got all my stuff for holiday baking, we rented some movies, we have a gingerbread house we are going to make....if we are still snowed in after that you might need to get me a straight jacket.
I will keep updating the pictures as it builds up....
This is how I like to be in the snow....from my window....with some hot chocolate.....a fire going......the smell of cookies. I'm obviously not a cold weather person. Wish me luck snowed in with 4 kiddos and a husband for the next few days! :)
Updated picture 12:30pm
She lasted about 10 minutes....she is sure my daughter!
Will update more soon.....
I missed taking a picture of Jackson...