Thursday, November 19, 2009

No Words.....

So when you have a child who has had their heart broken and they cry in your arms and you can't find the right words to say to make them feel any better what do you do?
I am watching one of my kids go through something tough, and I am sure it's only the beginning of our journey of tough things, but I really am at a loss of what to say. I think as a mom I feel so frustrated because you just want to fix it so badly for them. My heart aches and I wish I knew what to say.....and I know it's only a temporary problem. I know things will be okay...but to him it feels like the saddest thing ever.
Oh man it is hard being a mom! Hardest thing I have ever done........


Chelsea said...

Oh Jessie, this is such a hard part of being a mom! I haven't even really gotten into it yet, but I've had glimpses and it breaks my heart. A few weeks ago Henry tried to play with some boys at the park and they snubbed him and it was so sad to watch him try to get their attention, etc. And that is just the beginning, I'm sure. The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that without hard or sad things, kids wouldn't really get practice at turning to Christ for help. And they need practice, preferably BEFORE the mission, right? Anyway, I'm thinking of you...

Elizabeth said...

My heart aches for you. Seeing a child hurt is way harder than being hurt yourself. Even though my kids are still little and I can still protect them easily, I get sad when I hear about any hurt feelings.

Henry came home from preschool earlier this year and told me how a girl named Sugar (seriously) was being so mean and told him that he couldn't play with her. He was so crushed. I seriously sat there plotting revenge until I remembered that this girl was four.

It is so hard.... hope things get better.